I first spotted the smoke on the way to karate. By the time we got home, it was worse. Thick and billowing. Cody said he saw flames there above the trees. Not to worry, though. It's not as close as it appears to be.
Sensei wasn't at class. When I got there, his daughter said he was on the way, and we should go work out on our own until he got there. It was just Barrett, Chad, Cody, and me there. We went over kata for a while, then taught Chad and Cody bo vs. bo kumite. I know the attacking position and Barrett knows the defending position, so we spent a few moments teaching each other the opposite position. Barrett and I went over two man basics a couple of times, then finished the hour walking Chad through kusanku bunkai. Sensei still hadn't arrived by the time class was over, so we just bowed out and left.
Rylea chewed all of her stitches out, so Cody and J took her back up to the vet today while I was at work. He put staples in her, and so far they are holding. She's got one that looks like she's about to get out, but he put enough in there that even if she gets one out, the wound won't gape open. The danger is, if she figures out how to get one out, she may go ahead and pull them all out, then we're right back where we started.
Keep your fingers crossed.
We had a lot of smoke around our place too!
Concerning Rylea: You might want to try putting a tee shirt on her so that she can not see the incision and staples. Out of sight out of mind. It worked with my dog.
Zoe licked her stitches some, but never got them out. Although she did develop a bit of a knot/lump, but it is all okay now. Kids and dogs!
So far the staples have stayed put. Rylea does have a lump as well. Hopefully, it's just normal swelling and will go away. She's really not happy about being kept on the leash. Now that she's using all four legs again, she's really gotten strong.
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