Thursday, March 06, 2008

Karate and Football

As you know, we held rank tests last week, and promotions were given Tuesday. Sensei did not have enough of the paper he likes to use to print out rank certificates, so he didn't give them out until tonight. He called me over before class, telling me he needed help. He needed to finish filling out the rank certificates, and needed me to lead the class while he did that. So I had charge of the first few minutes of class. I led them through about half of the basics, then we went over stances. When sensei came back in, we did kata for a great deal of the rest of the class. There were so many of us there today that we had to do kata a few at a time--divided by rank. We finished off the class by doing some self defense moves on the bags. The way we would do it is that we would do the punch/kick combo, then hold the bag for the person behind us. Brian was behind me. He outweighs me by 110 lbs. When my turn came to hold the bag, I looked up at him and said, "Something is wrong with this picture." I made James trade places with me, since he is bigger than I am. Brian still outweighs James, but by only about 40 lbs.

After class, I stayed a few minutes and went through the empty hand kata that I hadn't been able to get to during class.

Just before we bowed out, sensei passed out the rank certificates. Now, remember, he'd already done the promotions and handed out the belts. He just needed to get more paper to print the rank certificates. He uses a really cool American Flag paper. But that's beside the point. The point is, every time he would hand someone a certificate, that really obnoxious lady we have in class would grunt "unh!" and roll her eyes, or shake her head, or throw her hands up in the air, or any combination of the three. I was in line beside her thinking, "What in the world is her problem?" I don't know what the deal was but I found her behavior to be very rude and disrespectful.

The big news of the day is, Brett Favre officially announced his retirement from the NFL. Now, I'm a bit old fashioned. I believe that there are very few instances in which it is ok for a grown man to cry in public. One of them is when someone he loves has died. This is the other.

Farewell, Brett. You were a worthy rival.


Inquiries said...

People like that you just want to say would you shut up. Is it necessary to be obnoxious?

Silverstar said...

Sounds like a good class despite the rude woman. Is she jealous or something of other people's achievements?

Becky G said...

Ashley, I really did want to ask her what her problem was.

Silverstar, I guess in every situation there is going to be somebody who feels like she has to one up everyone else.