Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thurdsay Karate

Boy, I really wanted to stay home tonight. Remember this? This afternoon I gently swatted Rylea playfully on the behind, and the pain that shot through that finger hurt almost as bad as when I first did it. I thought about using that as an excuse to stay home, but I made myself go to class anyway. I almost wish I hadn't. We were doing our basics and when we got to the double knife hand strike, I felt something pull in my left shoulder. I tentatively tried to keep on going, but the pain was pretty bad and I didn't want to risk injuring myself. So I pretty much sat out the rest of class. I did go on and do the kicks, but held my shoulder still and my arm close to my side instead of in the normal kamae position.

After a quick break, the class went over kata. They all did seisan, since we have quite a few white and yellow belts who don't know any higher kata. Sensei showed them some of the different ways to practice kata. First they did slow motion kata. This is an excellent way to make sure your form and stances are correct. After that, they did stance only kata. This is going through the kata, but with no techniques. We keep our hands on our belts, and just go through the stances. It takes concentration, because I have to imagine myself doing the kata, or I'll lose my place. Stances are the foundation of any kata, and this is a good way to make sure you are doing them correctly.

After class, I was going over sunsu kata and one of the brown belt students was chatting with sensei. He asked sensei if Mr. Eiffling had given us a good report Tuesday evening. Sensei replied that he had paid me a very nice compliment, saying that I had really improved since my shodan test. Woo Hoo! For him to say that, especially considering how wobbly my legs had gotten by that time (the out-of-shape thing, you know) really made me feel great.

Being on my home turf didn't hurt matters either.

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