As soon as they come out with a Marion Barber action figure, I'm all over it. I'll bet you thought I was going to say Tony Romo, didn't you?
2. I get fever blisters up my nose. This particular flavor of the herpes virus was deliberately passed on to me by an ex boyfriend who wanted to make sure I didn't forget him. I won't tell you how he did it. I tried typing it out, but it made even my stomach turn.
3. I can handle real life blood and vomit, but if I see it on TV, it grosses me out. You'd think it'd be just the opposite, but it's not.
4. Children like me, and I don't know why because I don't particularly like them. I don't dislike kids, but I prefer the company of adults. Case in point: several years ago when Cody was playing baseball, I'd taken him to practice. I was sitting on the ground when a lady walked by followed by a little girl of about 18 months. The girl walked by, then stopped, turned and looked at me and ran and threw herself into my arms and gave me the biggest hug. She did this about three times before she walked on. I don't know why.
5. Dogs like me--even those who seem to not like anyone. Case in point: a couple of years ago, several of us were sitting outside the dojo waiting for class to start. A stray dog walked by, and the others I was with began calling it, whistling, clicking etc. The dog just ignored them and walked on. I sat silent, then in a quiet moment made a single kissy noise. The dog instantly turned and came to me. Dogs like me.
(A similar thing happened with a donkey at a petting zoo. Cody and his two friends were trying to pet the donkey and it kept leaning away from them. I walked up and just put my hand out. The donkey came right to me. I wish that animal magnetism worked on men!)
So...I read numbers four and five and immediately thought of that ol' quote attributed to W. C. Fields... the one about children and animals.
That would be me...with certain exceptions. ;-)
Okay, Becky, you are just too weird for me - just teasing. I get fever blisters too - always have, but Toby does not. Animals and kids like me, but then I really like them. As for blood and guts, it just all depends on how it is presented.
Buck, I had to look that quote up. I remember the one about carrying a small vat of wiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore, always carry a small snake.
Lou, Aw now you hurt my feelings! Just kidding, too. We all have our little idiosyncracies.
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