Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas In Pictures

What was in Cody's stocking?

"Do I get a present?"

"Oh boy! A new mousie!"

Cody's loot--except the books, they are mine.

Learning to play the new guitar.

"I'm glad that amplifier doesn't work!"

New sock yarns

And I got this much done on my second watermelon sock while watching new MASH DVDs. I've gotten a little more done on it since this picture was taken. I hope to be through with it in the next day or two.

We stayed home today, but tomorrow we are going to venture out and see if we can find Cody a new electric guitar. The one Cody got didn't work. I suspect it's the amplifier. It's going back to the store posthaste. I told him I'd get him a good one if we have to drive all the way to Memphis for it.

If you are interested, all my Christmas photos for 2007 can be found here.


Opal said...

Looks like you all got some lovely swag! Good luck on getting the new guitar. :)

Sus said...

Looks like you had a fine holiday! Good luck with the guitar and the sock! Looks like you've got plenty of new things to cast on -- Fun!!

Becky G said...

Thank you Opal, and Sus.