Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas Parade 2007

The NJROTC leads things off with the color guard.

The Grenada Junior High Band. You can't see Cody. He is playing the tuba on the far side, right in front of the line of souzaphones.

Since most of our parade consists of cars with hand lettered "EAT AT JOE'S" signs duct taped to the sides, floats like these are always exciting to see.

Shimmer and Shine was the parade theme for 2007.

This is a new addition to our parade this year--the Holmes Community College Marching Band from Goodman, MS.

The Nativity Story An old truck.

An old car.

A Hillbilly Christmas

If I'd made it to class sometime in the last three weeks, I might have known the dojo was going to be in the parade. I wouldn't have marched with them. I had to cheer for my baby. Son still trumps sensei.

An antique fire truck. Some know it all loud mouth kid behind us said that this was the oldest thing in Grenada. I love it when people make fools of themselves at the top of their voices.

Santa made an appearance.

And finally, the highlight of our parade--The Grenada High School Marching Band.


Buck said...

So...how long was the parade, as in the time it took in between the first element and the last? Enquiring minds wanna know!

Becky G said...

It probably took close to an hour. The parade started at 4:00, and though I didn't look at the time, I'm guessing the first banner reached my observation point in about 10-15 minutes. I left as soon as the band passed by, but there were only the horses remaining. When I got into my truck, the clock said 5:07. I had to rush to get to the Vet before they closed at 5:30, or I would have lingered and socialized a bit more.

It was a long parade, compared to some, but still most of the entries were cars with people sitting on them. Wee Miss Grenada County, Little Miss Grenada County, Junior Miss Grenada County, Miss Grenada County, Wee Miss Thunder On Water, Little Miss Thunder On Water, Junior Miss Thunder on Water, Miss Thunder On Water, Wee Miss Hospitality, Little Miss Hospitality, Junior Miss...need I go on?

Buck said...

...need I go on?

Nope. I got it, LOL!

Bag Blog said...

When I was in high school, I had a 63' red Chevy pick-up very much like the one pictured above.