I went back to karate last night. We had what was probably a normal workout, but since I'd been out of class for 6 weeks, I though I was going to die. I told sensei that yes, I'd said I needed to get back into shape, but I didn't mean all at once!
I also started my Hundred Pushups program this week. Since my inital test results were 13 pushups, I have to do the "more than 10 pushups" column. Monday, I struggled to get through the sets (we do 5 sets of varying amounts of pushups each day), but I did make it through. When I tried to do today's sets, I couldn't finish. I had to drop down on my knees to do the last set. So I'm going to have to adjust my plan. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that, yet. I can either do each day's sets for a whole week before moving on (it's not that important for me to finish in 6 weeks anyway), or I can drop down and do the column for the 6-10 initial test results. Either way, I'm going to keep on going, and I'll make it through eventually .
And it had better make my boobs bigger.
So what did I do while contemplating? I knit a sock.
Well, part of a sock anyway. This is my Dallas Cowboys sock yarn from Chestnut Bay Fibers. I must be honest, I'm not that thrilled with this yarn. The colors look more like the Indianapolis Colts than the Dallas Cowboys. There is hardly any silver in the yarn at all. Moreover, I don't like the way the colors are pooling. I'm being generous when I say pooling. The word I really want to use is "globbing together." I doubt I'll be buying this yarn again. Next time I think I'll buy more of the Big D yarn from Lone Star Arts. Oh, wait. I never posted about that! You see, it was a gift for blog buddy Opal. I couldn't post about it or it would spoil the surprise.
Ok Gustav can go away now. It has been raining for two solid days. The LSU game against Troy this weekend has been postponed due to storm damage, so that is more rain on my parade. Hanna has weakened, but may regain hurricane strength before long. Ike is now a category 3, and may grow even stronger. He's way out in the Atlantic, and there's no telling what he may become before he makes landfall. And we now have tropical storm Josephine. Yep, it's going to be a busy season.
They got widgets for everything now...
And it had better make my boobs bigger.
I don't really care if mine get any bigger, I would just like to get them back up where they used to be. :)
I agree about the "Cowboys" yarn, both your comments about the colors and the pooling. Sorry it's not all you had hoped it would be. :(
On the push-up front, I've had to repeat weeks one and two twice and am going to have to repeat again before I can move to week three. There's just a big 'ol jump in what's required between weeks two and three and I'm simply not ready. I don't care how long it takes -- I can tell a big difference in my right shoulder (which was frozen last year and hasn't ever gotten back to 100%), so I'm very happy with how it's going. As long as we continue to improve a little each week, it's all good! Keep it up, push-up buddy!!! :)
I'm with Knit and Fall -- I'd just like mine to head back north a bit... lol!
Girls, one way to keep your boobs up is to get fat - then they have a place to rest - on your belly.
Ummm... I'm not sure I can take all this talk about boobs. This is cruel and unusual punishment for a guy who's gone without for so long he doesn't even remember... oh, never mind.
Here I had a comment all figured out, only to find it overcome by events. Such as they are. ;-)
Security word: boeky. I'm NOT making this up!
My boobs have headed South as well, but not so's anyone would notice. I look like a Chinese gymnast...
Buck, well, I just don't know what to say. Hmmm, maybe I should see if I can find a Dallas Cowboys bra...you know, to go with the thong.
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