Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just One More Thing

Have you seen Ike lately?

That sucker's huge! And dangerous, too. Almost up to a Category 3, from what I hear. But I guess since it's not headed for New Orleans, the media must not think he's newsworthy. I haven't heard probably a tenth of the stories as there were about Gustav.


Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

They just announced on the news that if you're in Galveston, and you choose not to evacuate, it is almost "certain death"...the news anchor's quote - not mine!

Opal said...

The local stations here seem to be doing a good job of covering it. What I can't get over is how HUGE this storm is!

Becky G said...

MAM, yes, I heard that too.

Opal, I did hear some stories of it, but it didn't seem that there were as many as there were about Gustav.