Monday, September 01, 2008

Fast and Furious

The storms are coming. As Gustav continues his relentless march across Louisiana,

Tropical storm Hanna strengthens into a hurricane,

and tropical depression 9 becomes tropical storm Ike.

Looks like it's going to be a busy season.

I spent most of the day watching MASH reruns and tracking the storms. Gustav didn't hit us too hard. We got a bunch of clouds and wind, but no rain. Cody and I were going to get up and go shopping today, but I decided to wait and see what this storm was going to do. Probably for the best anyway. I don't need to be spending money I don't have.

Last night Blaze tried to eat his mouse butt first. Silly snake. He finally figured it out and got the mouse swallowed, but it was funny to watch.

Rylea came in to see what all the commotion was.

"Oh, Mom! Do you always have to be pointing that camera at me?"


Bag Blog said...

We got some cooler weather (if you call temps in the lower 90's cooler) from Gustav. It is supposed to be even cooler today. It is the humidity that has been eating my lunch.

Knit and fall back in it said...

Yeah, Rylea looks a little put out. :)

Buck said...

Last night Blaze tried to eat his mouse butt first.

Does he always dunk the mouse before eating? If so: Cool. "Mouse fondue!" Or something. I think I'll stick to Oreos and milk, though.

The WX guys sure got Gustav's track wrong, didn't they? He was originally predicted to head west into TX but ran almost due north instead. It's a good thing all y'all were spared a deluge.

Becky G said...

Lou, it has been humid here, too, but I'm glad you got some relief from the heat.

Amy, Yes she does.

Buck, no he doesn't usually do that. Somehow the mouse ended up in the water with all Blaze's thrashing around trying to get it swallowed.

It didn't rain a drop yesterday, but started raining sometime during the night and has rained all day long today.

Lynn said...

Glad that Gustav didn't do much for you guys there. I'm watching all the tracks as well and it's interesting to say the least. It's really too early to predict where aNY of them are going to go, even Hanna has changed her mind a few times. Who knows what Ike or Josephine will do.

Becky G said...

Lynn, my dad used to call them the Weather Guessers, and he was more accurate than he knew. Even with all the high tech equipment, predicting the weather is still mostly guesswork.