Thursday, January 22, 2009

WIP Wednesday

Yeah, I know it's Thursday, but I was supposed to post this yesterday and didn't. So what you have here is a belated WIP Wednesday.

1. Mystic Waters--I'm about a third of the way through chart E. They go through I.

Here is a close up of the stitch pattern:

2. Trekking Is For Necking--They are a few inches longer, but the shawl has been taking up most of my time and attention.

3. Branching Out #2--Also taking a back seat to the shawl, but I got a few pattern repeats done.

4. Longhorn Socks-- The pattern is Express Lane. No progress this week. Like everything else, they are being supplanted by the shawl obsession.

That's it. I can't believe I only have 4 active WIPs. Well, there's 5 if you count each of the Trekking scarves, but since I'm doing them at the same time, I don't. Makes me want to cast on something else.

In the yard, the daffodils are also slowly making progress. There'll be blooms in a couple of weeks.

Not much else is going on, unless you want to hear about house cleaning. We have been off all this week due to plant shutdown, and I've really gotten the house clean. Well, it's somewhere above total squalor now. Being off has also made me a bit lazy, which is why I think I can't get my brain to function. I've got stuff to blog about, but when I sit down at the keyboard, I find I just don't wanna.

Other than that, I could totally handle this staying at home thing.


Sus said...

The shawl is looking great! Don't worry that it takes over your knitting attention -- that's the kind of project that's the most fun! Enjoy the obsession! :)

Dale said...

Yep the daffodils will be blooming in AR soon as well. That's when my sons take my grandchildren out to Wye Mountain and get loads of pics.

I understand getting started on the blog. I had thought about creating one for a couple of years before I finally did it. My problem is when I set down to blog I either have brain freeze or I ramble too much.

Opal said...

there are worse obsessions to have then a lace shawl obsession. the one you have going on is just gorgeous. :)