Monday, January 12, 2009

Delurking Day

Today is Delurking Day. If any of you are out there, I'd sure appreciate if you would let me know. The lack of comments here lately is really getting discouraging. Am I really that boring that all my readers have abandoned me?

Still plugging away at Mystic Waters.

Boo. When I posted this picture, I noticed a mistake . It's several rows down, and I don't think it's one I can drop down and fix. I guess the real question is, do I really want to rip back 30 rows and fix it, or pretend I didn't see it.

I think once I've blocked the shawl, it won't be all that noticeable. I'll just leave it.


Anonymous said...

It's lovely, and such a pretty shade of turquoise, at least in the photo it looks turquoise! I think people are just taking some "down" time after the holidays, and the lack of comments is not because you're boring.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Not boring at all, love your blog, thanks for posting!

Sus said...

Sorry, Real Life is seriously messing with my Blog Reading Life. I think the shawl looks beautiful and have no idea what you're talking about with your fancy expert knowledge of some mistake or such. ;) Carry on, girl, it's gorgeous!!

Bag Blog said...

Pretend you didn't see it. Of course, I'm not a perfectionist.

Becky G said...

Thank you all for commenting. It's good to know I'm not talking to thin air.

Opal said...

can you see it from a galloping horse? ;-)

Becky G said...

Opal, now that I know that it's there, I probably could.

Anonymous said...

So sorry Bec that you've been feeling as blue as that pretty scarf. I don't think it's anything personal, people just get busy with other stuff in offline life.

I've been outta town, actually outta the country at a resort spa in Mexico since January 3; my b-day present to myself. Today was my first day back and I've already told my boss that if I had had the cats there I don't think I would have come home, ha ha.

I think maybe that's why I never got into blogging; you're a lot more interesting than I am and are still having traffic issues, then I for sure would be talking to myself online.

I'll try to do better at visiting but supposedly Big Brother is more closely monitoring our Internet time ****shhhhhhh****** here at work.

Becky G said...

Patti! Lucky you for taking a Mexican vacation. I haven't had a vacation in so long, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I remembered your birthday. It's easy to do since it's also my youngest nephew's birthday.

Hmmm, I don't have internet access at work at all, so I can sympathize with that one, too.