So, while avoiding all that coldness, I finished the dishcloth I started yesterday:
I've already learned something new from my Monthly Dishcloths KAL. If you soak your cotton dishcloths in vinegar, then rinse them, before washing them for the first time, it is supposed to make the color not fade so fast. I haven't tried it yet. I think Mr. Christmas Tree and Mr. Rocky Horse will be my guinea pigs. Even if it doesn't work, it certainly won't hurt anything.
This antique car--I don't even know what it is, but it's neat looking--is brought to you by:

While perusing knitting blogs, I've discovered lots of photo sharing rings--Eye Candy Friday, Walk With Me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday, Saturday Sky, and the like. The only one I participate in regularly is Saturday Sky, but that won't stop me from throwing in an Eye Candy Friday or Wordless Wednesday from time to time. Those come in really handy on days like today when I just can't think of anything interesting to blog about. Oh, I can think of things to blog about, just not while I am sitting at my keyboard. I think of them while at work, or at the store, or in the the time I get to my computer, I've forgotten what I want to say.
And finally, if you can stand just one more band video...
This is the last one, I promise. And I mean it because I don't have any more. Isn't that drumline amazing? Yes, those are all 7th and 8th grade students. I am just awed by these kids and their talent.
That's a big band. I couldn't believe how big the drumline was. I know that my band was half or even one thrid that size when I was in middle school.
It is a big band, Lizzie. My jr high band only had 75 or so students in it. I'll bet that one has about 250-300. I think we only had maybe 4 or 5 drums...
Heck, I don't think my high school band had that many students either. I looked and looked through my senior annual last night, and couldn't find a picture of the band. the time I get to my computer, I've forgotten what I want to say.
Boy Howdy, I sure relate to that!! I tried writing my ideas on Post-Its but forget to look at the damned things. I'm still looking for the answer to this one.
If you find the answer, Buck, be sure and let me know. I tried carrying a small notebook with me to jot things down in, but it just proved to be too cumbersome.
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