Friday, February 01, 2008

Which Military Aircraft Are You?

What military aircraft are you?

F/A-22 Raptor

You are an F/A-22. You are technologically inclined, and though you've never been tested in combat, your very name is feared. You like noise, but prefer not to pollute any more than you have to. And you can move with the best.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

h/t: Buck


Buck said...

Well, now. I feel like the perfect idjit. The results code from this quiz, as written, threw multiple errors when I tried to post it on my blog. I wound up having to take a screen-shot and post the jpeg and a link.

Wonder why that is?

Back to the subject at hand: Is "Becky" really feared in North Mississippi and environs?


Robin said...

I'm the same as you!!!

Becky G said...

Buck, I dunno what to tell you on the HTML. I copied and pasted and it worked fine, except the print. It was white, and I had to go and change that.

Am I really feared in Mississippi? I guess that's why I can't get a date!

Robin, great minds and all that.

Perpetual Beginner said...

I am evidently a Prowler. What exactly this says about me, I have no idea, except that I like to mess with people's heads.

Buck said...

Not to flog a dead horse or anything... but I went into the HTML and tried to "ix" it, based on the errors Blogger gave me. They helpfully highlight the offending code (in the HTML window) along with the error message they provide.

Alas, my knowledge of HTML is VERY limited and I gave up trying to fix the problem when there was a quick work-around, i.e., take a screen shot.

I HATE it when that happens...