Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Let Me Tell You The Kind Of Day I Had

I got to work and was in the breakroom getting my diet Dr Pepper out of the machine. One of my coworkers walked in. She was wearing scrubs. A lot of people wear scrubs to work, claiming that they are cooler. Anyway, this co-worker's scrubs had a bright cartoon character on them and I was trying to figure out who this cartoon character was. About the time she got close enough for me to see who the cartoon character was, my coworker greeted me.

"Good morning, Elmo," I replied.

It was all downhill from there.


Opal said...

Ack. Not first thing in the morning? Not that! Noooooo!

frotoe said...

Unless someone works in a children's hospital or dr's office, they have no business wearing Elmo. Thats just disturbing.

Sus said...

At the very least, I'd say that covering yourself with pictures of cartoon characters gives everyone else the right to call you by that character's name. No problem. Hope today is better!

Anonymous said...

I've never understood the appeal of wearing corporate logos and other trademarked graphics on one's person; it's like giving free advertising.

Now with that said, Diet Dr Pepper is my fave too.

Silverstar said...

Elmo eh? Can't say I've seen too many people wearing him at my job. (Bert and Ernie perhaps but Elmo never!;)

Bag Blog said...

The whole scrub thing is interesting.

Becky G said...

Lots of people wear scrubs to work because they say they are cooler. Personally, I can't justify the expense. I'm not going to pay $10-15 for a top, plus another for pants, just to ruin them with dirt, grease, and burning holes in them. I can get t-shirts for $5. They are more economical, and I don't feel so bad when they get all stained and holey.

Besides, when it is 105' in the plant, you're going to be hot no matter what you wear.