Saturday, February 09, 2008

Saturday Sky

They blacken the sky.

They get so noisy that they drown out the TV.

They can empty a birdfeeder in a matter of minutes.

And when they land, they fill two or three trees.

They are the blackbirds.


Carol said...

Oh my goodness, and here I thought I had it bad!
lol very creepy

Buck said...

We have 'em around here, too. Except we (well, the locals) call 'em gackels . That noted authority Wikipedia doesn't have an entry for the term, though... so "gackel" may not be a common name.

But they DO make a helluva mess on one's parked car, and they are NOISY. Noisiest danged bird I've ever heard, to be frank.

Nice pics, Becky.

Becky G said...

Carol, they really aren't that bad. There is, of course, the danger of getting pooped on.

Buck, in Texas, we had birds called grackles. These aren't them. Grackles are bigger than these and have yellow eyes. They also have longer legs and tend not to fly in such large flocks. I'd never seen flocks of birds like these until I moved here.

Becky G said...

Found them:


Buck said...

None of those grackels at the link are the ones I know and (ahem) love. Ours flock and there are HUNDREDS of the damned things. Every night at sunset during the warm months (they migrate outta here in the winter, Thank God) they wheel about in huge flocks making a racket like you've seldom heard. I've never seen one up close, but they are black and are about 25% larger than your average robin. Fairly large birds, they are.

Opal said...

Eek! That's a lot of birds. Reminds me of the movie Omen. I think that's the name of it at least, or it it Damien?