Monday, November 26, 2007

It Must Be

Rylea is missing. I let her out yesterday evening to do her business and haven't seen her since. She's never been gone this long.

I think it must be my destiny to not have a dog.


Robin said...

Oh No...I hope you find her! I'm thinking about ya!

Bag Blog said...

Oh no! Could she have been picked up by the pound police? Do you have one of those websites in your area where people post missing or found pets? I hope you find her.

Karen said...

I hope your dog finds her way back to you! I worry whenever mt cat dosn't come home.

Unknown said...

She's still a baby and she's lost. I hope she finds her way back to you one way or another, safe and sound.

Buck said...

Hopefully Windsornot is right. Good luck, Becky.

Becky G said...

Thanks everyone for the wellwishes. I am just sick about this.

Lou, that's the first thing I though of, too. I checked with them, though and they don't have her.

Cody went out for about an hour this afternoon looking for her, with no luck. The good news is that I haven't found her squished in the road, so that gives me some hope. But, if she got mixed up with them coyotes that live in the back pasture, that wouldn't be good.

I called the local radio station and they are going to make announcements throughout the day tomorrow. I hope somebody finds her and returns her me.

Becky G said...

Oh, and I also called the Vet, and placed an ad on

Patti said...

Becky, it sounds like you need a taller fence if your dogs keep getting out. I'm glad you found Rylea. I hope she's recovering ok.