Sunday, August 12, 2007


Sometimes she gets like this.


frotoe said...

she is so cute!!! I love how your other dog just stands there and patiently and waits for it to end.

Buck said...

Puppies. Ya gotta love 'em!

Becky G said...

frotoe, thanks. I think she's cute, but then I'm biased. Yes, my old dog is very paitent with the puppy, and is a good puppysitter.

Buck, yes you do! You have to remember these moments of cuteness when you walk into a room and discovered that they've chewed up your chair leg, or dismantled 16 hours worth of knitting in 27 seconds flat.

Bag Blog said...

Nothing like a puppy in the house! We are really working on Zoe being calm in the house, but she does act like Rylea and try to get the rat terrier, Ranger, to play with her - they are much like your dogs. Ranger does get tired of Zoe, but then he is awfully small to be letting a big dog jump at him.

Sus said...

She's sooooo cute! I love puppies the way I love babies -- I want to play and play and play with them, love them and cuddle them and hold them, then hand them back to their mommas and go home to my quiet house. I guess at least I know this about myself and plan my life accordingly. ;)