and worse...
We have a new black belt in the dojo. She is from Michigan. I told her she got down here at just the right time of year. She replied, "I love it when the temperature and the humidity are the same!"
She has been training in Isshinryu for 5 years, holds the rank of shodan, and she has excellent form. She is very small, compact, and coordinated. I'm just short, and I've got these gorilla arms that seem to have a mind of their own.
I'm glad she's here, and that we are getting new students in the dojo, but I have this fear. I know it's irrational, and I know it doesn't make sense, and I know that it most likely won't ever really happen. I have this fear that if we get another female student in the dojo--especially if she's good, I will get pushed aside and forgotten about.
Like when my sister was born.
New people always get a little more attention, especially females. But you have been there regularly, supporting, and encouraging. That will stand the test of time.
I agree with BB. Also, I was thinking that maybe this is a potential new friend? That would be cool.
The new woman is probably VERY familiar with heat and humidity, depending on where in Michigan she came from. Mississippi's got nothin' on Detroit, which is is absolutely freakin' miserable in the summer. Michigan's Upper Peninsula, OTOH, is pretty danged nice in the summer...but one pays for that, and it's SUCH a high price... in the winter.
And yeah: What Lou said!
hmmm... It won't happen.
Be well and play nice and have fun.
Thank you all for the encouragement. I know it won't happen, and nobody has really done anything that would indicate that I would be pushed aside. It's just a residual fear from my childhood. When my sister was born, my mother forgot that she had two daughters. Unless I did something wrong. She remembered me then.
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