Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's So Hot

How hot is it?

It's so hot that Rob walked by as I was emptying the melted ice from my lunchbox at work. He shook his head regretfully as he gazed longingly at the water swirling down the drain.

"All that good cold water," he lamented, "that you could have poured on my head!"

Today's Pic: Honeybee, August 2007


Buck said...

I'd never heard of "The Match Game" before; thanks for the link. The first thing I thought while reading through that wiki entry was "this is pretty dumb...who would watch something like this?" But then again, ALL game shows probably "read" dumb. A classic case of "you hadda BE there," if I ever saw one! ;-)

As for hot: Yes. And then some. No, check that... not "some," a LOT hot! Nice close-up photo, too.

Becky G said...

Definitely a "hadda be there" show. I loved Match Game. That article didn't even begin to detail the antics of the host and panelists. It was one of my favorite game shows.

I wasn't quite that close. Thank goodness for zoom lenses!