Monday, June 25, 2007

Miscellaneous Stuff

This new puppy is running me ragged! How in the world can any living thing have so much energy???? I wish I started the day with what she has left over. Whew!! But then, it's been 9 years since I've had a puppy in the house. She still doesn't have a name, though Maggie and Emmie are both being considered. Neither seems quite right, though.

Last week when I took her to the vet, he said to her, "You don't know it, but your life just got a whole lot better!" She's driving me nuts, but she's such a sweetie pie.

The skies here have been absolutely fantabulous lately. This was the scene when I walked the puppy this evening.

Unfortunately for you, my camera just doesn't capture the intensity and variety of the colors that were really there.

This yarn works a whole lot better for my Jaywalkers:

The first bubble wrap sock is finished and the second has been cast on. It looks like I might actually finish a pair of socks for a change!

Karate...I've been going to class, though I missed a few due to being sick. There just isn't much to talk about. I did start teaching Sunsu to Josh tonight in Black belt class. We've mostly been working on finding new ways to use our basics. That's our homework for the week. To come up with a practical self defense application from our basics.

I'd better get to thinking...


Sus said...

Puppy is just so darned cute! I can't imagine having the energy of a puppy or small child, either. Probably why I don't have either one. lol.

That yarn looks great as a jaywalker. It looks like a little fiesta for your foot!

Becky G said...

Sus, I agree. She is adorable. And she's just so sweet! She has a great personality. I'm so glad I was able to get her before the pound gassed her.

I think you have just named my sock! Since I read your comment, I've started thinking of it as my Fiesta sock. This yarn works. How are your socks coming, by the way? Have you started them yet?

Sus said...

Yay, Fiesta socks!! No, I haven't started socks yet -- I'm trying to finish the baby sleep sack first and one part of it is kickin' my behind. Soon, though, I think. If I can stop going to baseball games long enough to get any knitting done!!