Friday, June 22, 2007

He's Gone

Oh, he's been gone before. He's been gone for longer, too. He spent a month at his grandma's a couple of years ago. A couple of years before that, he spent the entire summer with his aunt and uncle.

But this is different. Somehow, this time it is just different.

This is a youth trip. With the church. A youth trip.

Sigh. Just one more reminder that my baby's not a baby any more.

J says he can do my brakes for me tomorrow. Good. One less thing...

1 comment:

Buck said...

Ah, they DO grow up. But I've heard it said they never really go away. But...I have it on pretty good authority that they eventually DO go away, only to be replaced by grand-kids. Mixed blessing, that. (And my tongue is firmly in my cheek.)

New brakes are a positively good thing! ;-)