Friday, June 15, 2007

I'm Back

My apologies for my lack of posting yesterday. When I got home from work yesterday I was so sick from heat exhaustion that I just didn't feel like blogging. Two weeks in 100+ temps, with no way to escape the heat finally caught up to me. I didn't do anything last night. I didn't even eat. I just laid in my recliner for a while, then went and laid down in the bed at around 7:00 PM. I kept thinking that I would feel better soon, then I would get up and blog, but I didn't. I didn't move until 5:15 this morning, and I still feel like I could have stayed in bed a few hours longer. We've had three people fall out from the heat just this week. One of them ended up in the hospital having a miscarriage. Now, you'll never get ADP to admit that it's the heat. They will blame it on something else. If they can't find anything to blame it on, they will make something up. Anything to avoid admitting that the heat is a problem. To that I ask:

So why does nobody ever fall out in the wintertime?

It was past time for Katie's annual vet check and vaccinations, so we took her in this afternoon to get that done.

I was shocked, because Katie--my Katie who never meets a stranger--was scared of the vet! It's not like she's never seen him before, either. Still, she backed away from him, and I had to go stand next to him to get her out from under the chair. Granted, Dr. A is kind of a scary looking man, but he's really nice. Once we got over the initial hesitation, the vet check went very well. She is a very healthy dog for one who is almost 12 years old. Dr. A pointed out that she is beginning to develop cataracts, which I had suspected due to the increasing milkiness in her eyes. He said there is a surgery for that, but he doesn't recommend it because it is expensive and complicated. Besides that, most dogs adjust very well to losing their sight--better than people do. He said that Katie probably doesn't even realize she can't see as well as she could before.

I used to have a dog who was completely blind, and if I didn't tell you he couldn't see, you wouldn't know he couldn't see. Even if I did tell you, you wouldn't believe me. J used to swear up and down that the dog had to be able to see something. Nope, light and dark was all he could see, but it didn't stop him. I'd catch him out in the cow pasture a half a mile from the house. "Dakota!!!" I'd yell. "Get back home! Don't you know you can't see!!!" But he didn't seem to. Occasionally, he'd run smack into a tree, or walk off the side of the porch, but other than that, he got along fine.

Today's Pic: Yarns in the primary colors--those colors which cannot be made by mixing two other colors, although there is some yahoo on Webshots who is insisting that the primary colors are actually red, blue, and green. Ummm, green is made by mixing yellow and blue, therefore it does not fit the definition of a primary color.


Mauren Mureaux said...

LOL! Gotta love them "yahoo's".

Man, that sucks about the heat. Take care of yourself. Your readers will surely understand the need for some TLC time. Especially this one, there's no A/C in this house. Ugh!

Becky G said...

I don't think I could live without A/C in my house! You have my deepest sympathy!

Unknown said...

Man, that's terrible that you have to work in conditions like that! Do y'all belong to a union or something like that where you could complain about the working conditions? I would think that you could at least get some extra heavy-duty industrial fans in there, if they are unwilling to put on the A/C. That's just unsafe, and from an owner's perspective, people out in the hospital means less wages and money spent on their medical care instead of being at work. Someone there doesn't have their head screwed on straight.

Perpetual Beginner said...

Actually the yahoo is right - sort of. In pigments, like dyes and paints, the primary colors are red, yellow, blue. However light has a different set of primaries: red, blue and green. You get yellow by mixing red and green light, cyan by mixing blue and green, and magenta by mixing red and blue. Weird but true.

Becky G said...

Windsornot, no, there is no union. If there were, we wouldn't still be working in such heat after all this time--the plant was opened in 1996. We do have fans, but unless you are standing right in their path, they don't do any good. They don't do much good even if you are, because they just blow hot air and pollution on you. Oh, yes, they have their heads screwed on straight. They know exactly what they are doing. They just don't care.

Cindy, you would have a point had the the first sentence of the challenge rules clearly stated:

In artistic terms, red, blue and yellow are primary colors because they can’t be made by mixing other colors together.

The yahoo couldn't accept that there are other definitions to the term primary color. He kept arguing science, even after he was repeatedly (politely) told that they were using the artist's definition. He ended up pitching a fit and stomping off the site, vowing never to return.

Becky G said...

Oops, that should be "had the first sentence NOT clearly stated". Sucks that you can't edit your comments, other than deleting and rewriting them.