I want to learn Latin. Seriously. I want to learn to speak Latin.
Sometimes, when a certain person at work is being his same jerkwad self, I look at him and think to myself, "I really wish I could say 'From now on, I'm only going to speak to you in Latin." That would shut him up.
Then I wonder if I've been watching The Big Bang Theory too much.
And then I need chocolate.
Lots and lots of chocolate.
Chocolate makes everything better.

That's a good idea!
Latin is actually quite useful. Princess Buttercup is taking Latin now so if you want some info on curriculum, let me know.
Thanks, Lola.
Tabitha, yes I would like info on curriculum. I've heard Rosetta Stone is good, but it's just so darned expensive.
The only things I know how to say in different languages are "I love you", "one beer please" and some four letter words that I'm sure you would not want to use. Wish I could be of more help!
"Chocolate makes everything better" comment I with you all the way on that!!
Dale, I know a smattering of several languages. I picked up quite a bit of Italian (Neapolitan dialect actually) when I was stationed over there, but I've forgotten most of it. I studied Spanish and French in high school, and picked up a few words of Japanese taking karate.
I've always had an affinity for language. I pick them up pretty easily, but was always too bashful to try to speak them.
Latin and Greek are both great languages to learn on their own, but also as a tool for better understanding almost every Western language. Language geeks unite! :)
I agree. So much of modern English is borrowed from Latin. I think it'll be a great language to learn.
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