Friday, April 20, 2007

That's A Relief!

I am nerdier than 4% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Despite what it says, I don't really despise nerds. I'm just glad I'm not one.

Just a brief post today. I'm too busy playing with my sock yarns.

Heh heh heh...

Oh, I called the computer guy and left a message. Still waiting for him to call back.



Sus said...

Shock of the world, I'm an 81, "High level nerd". I don't despise non-nerds, I'm just glad I'm not one. ;p

Hope the computer guy gets back to you soon!!

Buck said...

Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.

Well, I suppose that's to be expected for a career (but non-technical) IT guy... I like nerds. Except for the sci-Fi variety -- they can be a lil bit TOO weird for me.

Perpetual Beginner said...

85 - high level nerd, but I already knew that.

Hey, Buck. Not all of us SF nerds are weird. You're thinking of fandom - they are pretty darn weird, but not all SF nerds are like that. Some of us just hide out on our computers and write stuff, or read until our eyes fall out.

Buck said...

Perpetual Beginner said: Hey, Buck. Not all of us SF nerds are weird.

And you're absolutely correct, PB. It's the fans...the Trekkies, et al, that put me off. Sorry for the sweeping generalization!

Apropos of nothing...I read your comment and immediately took "SF" to mean "San Francisco," a place I spent two-plus years in. And all of those folks are weird, no two ways about it...sweeping generalizations or no!
