Friday, April 06, 2007


I decided I'd rather spend the evening knitting instead of blogging, so there's not much to write about. Since it turned cold these last couple of days, it is perfect weather to do just that. So, to kind of fill in the lack of blogging material, I decided to share with you some of my favorite quotes. So here they are, in all their glory:

I love deadlines. I especially love the wooshing sound they make as they fly by.--Douglas Adams

What we love to do, we find time to do. --John L. Spaulding

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.--Thomas A. Edison

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.--Confucius

The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.--Emile Zola

It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.--Elanor Roosevelt

The important thing is not to stop questioning.--Albert Einstein

We cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves.--George M. Adams

I'm not obsessed. I'm just highly preoccupied.--Anonymous

This shows how desperate I'm getting at finding things to sketch. This is the case that holds my Epi-pen.




--Deb said...

I'm just impressed that you can sketch at all . . . drawing is not something I've ever been good at, but have always wished I could be....

Becky G said...

Deb, thank you for visiting my blog. If you want to draw, I recommend the book, "Drawing for Dummies" by Brenda Hoddinott. It truly is a book for those who think they can't draw anything but stick figures.