Also, I found the cutest little hat that coordinates very well with my Irish Hiking Scarf. I don't know if I'll have enough yarn to do it, though. I'm going to start knitting the hat from the outside of the skein, then just use up what's left on the scarf. If the scarf ends up being too short, well, the poor hat will have to sacrifice itself for the life of the scarf.

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Cody isn't going to like his:

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But I think my younger brother will be especially pleased with his:

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H/T to Sus for posting this.
Heh - my birthday is "Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun" day. I think I could live with that - except that I'm already at work when I wake up in the morning.
Amusingly enough, Robbie (whom you will have to meet sometime) is International Panic Day.
I think I have that same pitcher and have drawn it a million times.
Heh, glad you liked that quiz. :)
I've made that cabled hat. It was really fun to make, but I was unhappy with the purled areas around the cables. Of course, this could be because I suck, rather than the pattern. You can see what mine looked like at http://www.geocities.com/sgator/2006pinkcable.htm
Your birthday is November 11th, Becky? You share the day with Joni Mitchell. And The First Mrs. Pennington.
My birthday is "Make Up Your Own Holiday Day." I've done that, but not on my birthday! :-)
Cindy, I like that day! If only I didn't have to go to my very not-fun job...
Lou, I don't actually own that pitcher. I found a reference photo at www.wetcanvas.com.
Sus, I remember when you made that hat. You were not pleased with how it stretched out between the cables. I am going to increase in the single knit colums so it will better match the scarf. That may help with that problem.
Buck, yes it is. I also share the day with Leonardo DiCaprio, Demi Moore, Vinnie Testaverde, Steve Young, General Patton, Abigail Adams, ...ok, I got carried away with it. Truth is, I googled it. But I'm happy to share the day with TFMP.
I like your holiday, too!
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