Thursday, April 05, 2007

I'll Never Get Finished

if I don't quit starting over. This is the third of my 10 WIPS that I've ripped and started over.

See, it's like this: I'd been contentedly knitting away on my Magic Loop socks, just making a plain vanilla sock with a 6" leg--as is my custom. The whole time I was knitting, there was this background noise. I sort of sub-consciously knew it was there, but wasn't paying any attention to it. Happily knitting along, I'd gotten all the way to the toe decreases of the first sock when the background noise finally broke through my consciousness.

It was the yarn. It was telling me that it didn't want to be a sock. I tried to ignore it and continued knitting, but like a nagging child, the yarn got louder and more demanding. It didn't want to be a sock!

Very persistent, this yarn is. It finally got to the point where I could no longer tune it out. I broke down and asked the yarn what it did want to be.

Ankle socks.

The yarn wanted to be ankle socks. I told the yarn no, it couldn't be ankle socks. After all, I was nearly finished. I was on the toe decreases already! I'd spent too much time knitting it into regular socks. I wasn't going to rip it out and start over this late in the game. Why couldn't the yarn just be happy being a regular sock?

But the yarn was insistent. It wanted to be ankle socks, not regular socks. And it would not be denied. What else could I do?

I ripped it out.

I am now knitting it into...*sigh*...

ankle socks.

But the yarn is happy, now...

Cherry tomatoes on the vine.




Anonymous said...

OH That yarn can be so demanding!
that was a very funny post btw.

Becky G said...

Yarn always knows what it wants to be, and we'd better listen to it or we'll be in trouble!
