Friday, March 30, 2007

Miscellaneous Stuff

Practicing eyeballing perspective on a table at work.

My brother and my nephew Joshua celebrating Josh's third birthday.

Only 5 months and one week until NFL kickoff weekend! H/T to Vera for posting this on her blog.

The school's band festival is this weekend. Cody's band played this afternoon. They scored top scores in both performance and sight reading. They played the same songs they did at last night's concert.

Monty finally ate, so the only snake still fasting is Slider. Hard headed rascal.

The art school that I finished this test for finally got in touch with me--rather my answering machine. It took them nearly a year and a half to contact me. I don't know if I will even call them back. I don't know if I can afford it now. Eighteen months ago I could have--but things have changed since then.

Ummm, I can't think of anything else, so I guess I'll get back to knitting.


Buck said...

Only 5 months and one week until NFL kickoff weekend!

::affects a pose of ennui::

But hockey play-offs begin NEXT WEEK!


Becky G said...

Already? It seems like hockey season just started...Playoffs already and I have yet to see a game. Hmmm...