Tuesday, March 27, 2007

And It's A Pair

One of my socks is no longer lonely. I finished this pair last night.

I still have one more single sock that I need to knit a mate for. I did cast on for it this afternoon, but decided to spend my time working on my WIP list instead. I finally picked my Irish Hiking Scarf back up. I'm knitting it in worsted weight yarn with size 8 needles like the pattern calls for, but the resulting fabric seems so stiff and thick. Maybe it'll soften up after I wash it. Nevertheless, next time I make this pattern, I think I'll go up a size or two on the needles.

That's my cell phone, in case you can't tell. I am getting desperate for ideas of what to sketch. This is why I quit doing it last time. I just ran out of ideas.

Which Jane Austin heroine am I? Funny, I ended up being one from a book I haven't read:

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

:: E L I N O R ::
You are Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are practical, circumspect, and discreet. Though you are tremendously sensible and allow your head to rule, you have a deep, emotional side that few people often see.

Karate was interesting tonight. We started off doing slow motion kicks. If you've never done that, I recommend it. All it is is doing your basic kicks in very slow motion. It's good for building your leg muscles and improving balance, in addition to refining your kicking form. We went from slow motion kicks to speed drills. That was an interesting switch. We finished off the class doing bag work and kata.

We have a new student--well fairly new. She's been coming for about 3 weeks now. Somehow I don't think she'll last. She seems more interested in the boys than in karate.

I asked sensei once again about the black belt class. He said, "Yeah, I need to get that started." Josh and Barrett test for their black belts on May 5th. He'll probably get it started after they get promoted.

Lastly, one more quiz. Are you Yankee or Dixie? Me? I'm 96% Dixie.



Perpetual Beginner said...

I was also Miss Dashwood - and I also haven't read the book. On the other hand I was 38% Yankee - described as a definitive Yankee, which surprises me. Since when is 38% definitive? With a Mid-west mother and Southern father my language is pretty maleable.

Bag Blog said...

I was Anne Elliot and I am 92% Dixie. I have started reading "Sense and Sensibility" but it is slow and I stopped for something more exciting. Sometimes I want a quick read - not something that makes me think.

Becky G said...

Cindy, I wouldn't consider 38% as even moderate. Funny, as much as my mid-west mother tried to beat the Southern out of us, I still ended up 96%.

Lou, I'm having the same problem reading Emma. I'm having a hard time gettin in to it. I breezed right through Pride and Prejudice, but Emma is throwing me for a loop, though I loved the movie version with Gwynneth Paltrow.