Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday Sky

I know it's not Saturday, but the sky this afternoon was just plain photo worthy. So instead of being a Saturday Sky photo, I present to you the

Sunday Sky. I prefer skies like this over the cloudless blue. They are so much more interesting.

Other than the sky, it's been a rather uneventful day. I don't quite know what to do with myself without football to watch.

I love watching the special features on DVDs. All the making of documentaries, the cast bios, and the commentaries...I just love them. B doesn't. She doesn't care about any of those extras. She says she just wants to watch the movie and be done with it. Even when the movie is playing, she doesn't pay attention to half of it. She is trying to carry on conversations or clean house, or talk on the phone. Now, me, if I'm going to watch the movie, I want to watch the movie. No interruptions, no distractions, nothing.

But I digress...I was watching the latest Pride and Prejudice with the director's commentary playing. At one point, he said something to the effect of, "That must have been a very dull existence back then. All they did was sit." And I thought, "How is that so different from today?" Whether it is sitting with a book, or letters, or playing cards as they did back then, or sitting in front of the TV, or computer, or playing video games like we do now, it is still just sitting.

Yes, I know people today work, but they worked back then too. Just a different kind of work. But in our leisure hours, we still just sit.

Good news, I found my copy of Emma. It's next on my reading list.

Bad news, I still haven't gotten my mess straightened out. They are still saying I don't exist. Sigh...




Sus said...

I totally agree with you about the sky. I like your Sunday sky very much! My Sat Sky was very boring, too, so I found some contrails to liven things up. LOL! I also agree with you about the movie thing. Watch, or don't. My mother in law will talk loudly on the phone while watching a movie. Even if others are obviously trying to watch, too. Then she has to question everyone about what's going on. But she's completely oblivious to it. I don't get it. She's a great lady, but this drives me nuts.

Oh, look! I've managed to use your blog for my therapeutic rant! Bad Sus!

Hope your finger is getting all healed up!

Becky G said...

That's ok, Sus. You can rant on my blog anytime you want to. Another thing about watching movies: the ones who are constantly asking you what is about to happen next, even if you are watching it for the first time yourself.

The finger is feeling much better, but still hurts like the dickens if I bump it wrong. Thank you for asking.

Bag Blog said...

I doubt life was dull back then. Movies don't show all of the work that went on in life - from making candles to making soap, to making clothes, etc. - all were usually homemade. What amazes me about life back then is the conversations. If the books and movies are correct, the conversations seem much more intelligent. Words and conversations just seem so much more meaningful as if they did not speak unless it was important.

Becky G said...

I agree with you Lou, to a point. But the ones referred to by the commentor were not American pioneers. Instead, they were British gentry and wealthy enough to have servants to do all that. Plus, they lived near a sizeable enough town that they probably bought their candles and soap and stuff. Still, if I were in those circumstances, I doubt my life would be dull. I'd find enough to do to make it interesting.

I totally agree with you about the conversations. That was back before it was thought to be cool to appear stupid. In those days, education and intelligence were the virtues, not stupidity and laziness like today.