Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Night

President Elect Barak Hussein Obama is going to be on TV tonight--supposedly going to reveal his plans for the Country. And I wonder... shouldn't he have done that before we voted for him?

I suppose I really should watch and see what he has to say, buuuut

the Dallas Cowboys are playing the Washington Redskins on Sunday Night Football at the same time.

This brings up the dilemma--the political future of my country, or the Cowboys/Redskins rivalry. Which to watch? Which to watch?

No question about it.

Sunday night IS football night!*

*Apparently I'm not alone. An estimated 250,000 people showed up for Obama's acceptance speech. An estimated 2 million people showed up for the last Super Bowl parade. I guess we know where our priorities lie.


Bag Blog said...

Toby asked me if I wanted to watch Obama, and I told him that I had the next four years to watch Obama. We watched Dallas.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I caught the tail-end of obama's interview and the thing that really caught my attention - I dislike his wife MUCH more than I dislike him. They had been holding hands - probably for the entire interview. He became passionate about a subject and let go of her hand and he said, "Excuse me" to his wife asking for his hand back without actually saying those words and she says, "Oh, excuse me, I wouldn't want to interfere" or something like that. Talk about a snob. BTW have they buried his poor grandmother yet???? I find it strange we have not heard one word about a memorial service or her burial or cremation or whatever????THis is the woman who raised him!!!!

Becky G said...

Lou, my thinking exactly. He'll still be there tomorrow, while a ball game is a once in a lifetime event.

MAM, I feel the same way as you do. I've never liked her. Snob is a good word for her.

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch either, because I'm interested in neither.

Becky G said...

How sad.