Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Whole Country Has Lost Its Mind

America has gone absolutely insane these last few days.

I'm simply astounded at some of the comments I've been reading and hearing.

"Never been more proud to be an American." Are you kidding me? Proud??? To have elected a man who is the very antitheses of everything America stands for? The very ideals our country was founded on? A man who refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance? Who won't even travel under a U.S. passport? Proud? You should be ashamed. Very ashamed.

"A brighter future" Are you kidding me? Brighter future? A future of higher taxes and more government interference in our lives? The possibility of being forced into government rationed medical care, loss of fundamental freedoms. A future in which the Constitution's very words are twisted into someone's personal socialistic agenda and used to--ironically enough--strip the average American of those very rights the Constitution was crafted to protect? This is the hope and change you want? You should be in mourning. In mourning for the death of freedom. Of liberty.

"Woke up feeling safer" Are you kidding me? Safer? To be led by a man who openly associates with known terrorists? Who believes terrorist leaders should be treated on equal terms? Who, as commander in chief of our armed forces, believes surrender is the best option? Who believes the way to deal with terrorist organizations is to give in to them? A man who is being congratulated on his victory by a known terrorist organization? This makes you feel safer?

In the last 7 years, there has not been one single terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Not one. Russia has been relatively quiet. So has Syria, Palistine, and Lebanon. Iran has, so far, been all talk. That will change.

It has already started.

For 7 years, I felt safe. I knew that there were bad guys out there. But I slept easy at night because I knew that my country had a military that was capable of keeping me and my family safe, and a president who had the backbone to stand up to those who would harm us--despite being vilified by the ultra leftist MSM for doing just that. A president who, for 7 years stood firm and said to those who have vowed that they would destroy America and all she stands for,

Not on my watch.

As of January 20, 2009, I won't have that any more. America won't have that anymore. Our enemies know that.

I'm afraid. I'm very afraid.

You should be, too.



Becky G said...

Anonymouss, tsk tsk tsk, posting anonymously. What a cowardly thing to do.

As for me being a racist, who mentioned race? Huh? That's your answer for everyone who disagrees with The Obamanation--you're a racist. It has been since the campaign began. No, you can't account for his lack of political experience, his evasiveness and lying, his KNOWN association with KNOWN terrorists, or his weakness on national defense. No, you just start spouting racist accusations.

And paranoid? Russia moving missiles into position on THE VERY DAY the Obamanation is elected is not a coincidence. Russia has never forgotten her fall from power at the hands of Ronald Reagan. She has never forgiven this country. She has been waiting all this time for a weak, soft president to be elected and now he has.

And by the way, I warned you that anonymous comments will be deleted. If you don't have the backbone to stand behind your words, don't expect me to take you seriously.

Becky G said...

Anonymous #2, Why would I be sent to Gitmo? I'm not a war criminal, just an average citizen who wants to feel safe in my own country.

Oh, and your comment will be deleted, too. If you don't have the courage to stand behind your words, don't expect me to respect what you say.

Becky G said...

Anonymous #3, sorry to say, but your comment will be deleted too. If you don't have the backbone to stand behind your words, don't expect me to respect them.

As far as not being afraid, Yes God is still in control, but that doesn't mean we won't face trials in this world. In fact, Jesus said our trials will be worse because we believe in him.

Becky G said...

Anonymous #1, you are flat wrong. Bush will not go down in history as one of the worst presidents. History will prove out that he was one of the best. Wartime presidents are seldom popular at the time, but years from now, people will look back and see what a courageous leader he was--not just standing up to the enemy, but in this case, standing up to the MSM, and frothing left wing peacenicks such as yourself who would rather trade freedom and human rights for a few crumbs that fall off the government's table.

Yes, I do know how lucky I have it. It is apparently you who doesn't. My parents went through WWII, too. My DAD fought in WWII. That has nothing to do with the current situation. It was a completely different war. Perhaps you thing the US should have bowed down and surrendered to Hitler as the French did. God Forbid! Remember Hitler? The one who murdered millions of people because of --what was it? Oh year--their race? In a Nazi dictatorship, your precious Obamassiah would never have been elected president. He wouldn't have even survived. Hitler wasn't killing just Jews, you know, but blacks, asians, homosexuals, handicapped--anyone who did not fit his perfect Aryan race.

Yes, I DO know how lucky I have it. And I thank God every day that I had forefathers who had the courage to go against popular opinion and stand up to the likes of that madman. I thank God also that NOW I have compatriots out there who have the courage to stand against those who would destroy our nation (they have said that the total destruction of America is their goal, or did you choose to conveniently disregard that fact?), regardless of whether it makes them popular or not. I thank God that there are those willing to die to protect our freedoms--including the freedom to be an idiot. No, I think it is you who doesn't know how lucky you have it.

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

Not anonymous here. I agree with you. And like I keep saying, I hope I am very wrong and that the doctored birth certificate, the association with terrorists and 20 year association with a "Man of God" who teaches hate, the inexperience, the comments like (and I don't have the exact quote but it was along the lines of)"If the political winds shift to a bad place, I will side with the Muslims", etc, etc, etc..are all just a BIG coincidence. And, if at the end of four years, I was wrong and he ends up being a great president, then I will be one of the first to admit it. I truly, truly hope that at some point during his 4 year term, I find myself saying, "Wow - he really is a great president." I am just not going to hold my breath.

Becky G said...

MAM, please don't hold your breath! You need oxygen to survive. As the old saying goes, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. I don't hold much hope.

Unknown said...

Well, I will post as me. I'm not a coward, and I stand by my beliefs, and my choice as an American.

I'm really disappointed to see such a vehement disaowal of Obama on your blog. I thought you would be more gracious than this. Why is it that conservatives can never be fair losers? John McCain had a terrible negative campaign, poorly thought out programs, no grip on economic issues, and his running mate was and is one of the most incompetent politicians I have ever seen. Even after all the drama, he delivered an eloquent, heart felt concession speech. I think the real John McCain finally showed through all the posturing and ill-conceived strategies. It's a shame really.

I think the hate-mongering, fear campaign that was run by the Bush Administration after the 2000 campaign, and beat to death this year is a testament to why the Republican party if out of touch with half of America. I fully recognize there are people who feel they are heading towards a downward spiral because Obama has been elected. What of the other half who are presently in said downward spiral because of Bush? I voted twice, and both times had my vote discounted because of shady practices and backroom deals. America has now spoken. As an American, you should be proud to see the democratic process in play. We are allowed to disagree. That is what makes us a democracy and not China.

Me, and people who think like I do, want optimism, hope, change, respect from the rest of the world? Have you traveled abroad over the last eight years? I have. A lot! Europeans are disgusted with the state of America, and frankly I was embarrassed for my country. I have never felt so ashamed to be from the US than the last eight years. The war in Irak was unnecessary. Everyone now knows that. The war in Afghanistan was the real war, and while Bush twiddled his thumbs trying to get Saddam and Bin Laden, Al-Quaeda solidified their position in Afghanistan. The sad part is that all the damage Bush has done to this country was not intentional. I'm sure he thought he was doing what was right. He was wrong. I'm tired of conservatives blaming the left for everything that goes wrong in this country. I have only been alive for 28 years, but the Republicans have always hurt me and my family with their policies. Boot straps can only lift so much weight before they break. War does not address health care, education, the environment, and poverty. Americans needed a wake up call to finally expel Bush and his ilk before anymore damage happened. Turns out it came in the form of an economic crisis.

Am I excited for Obama? Yes! Why does this mean I have lost my mind?
Yes, terrorist groups are pleased. If terrorist groups thought America was about diplomacy and helping people instead of abuse and arrogance, they would have no reason to hate us. I have spoken with people who are anti-American, and they have a vision of America that is untrue. The election of Obama has begun to change their ideas about what this country stands for. I am all for having dialogue. It's just like having a dissagreement with someone. If you don't talk you will never resolve anything.

I would think the entire world celebrating the election of such a steady competent man would be proof enough that the world has spoken: George Bush, Sarah Palin, and John McCain are what's wrong with America.

Sarah Dawson
PhD Student at Brown University
Providence, RI

PS To accuse someone of cavorting with terrorists is hypocritical. Did you see the stories about Palin and her Todd with secessionists? Same type of affiliations, except theirs are much more involved.

Becky G said...

Sarah, surely you can't be serious! Here I thought you were more intelligent than this. You think conservatives are not fair losers? Think back for a moment to the 2000 campaign. Four recounts of the votes in Florida. FOUR! And Al Gore still refused to concede the election until the Supreme Court ordered him to, twice. And TO THIS DAY, you dems still claim that election was stolen. Think back to the 2004 election. That one wasn't even close. Yet, you dems STILL claim that election was stolen.

Neither election was stolen, yet you can't concede that you LOST fair and square.

You want to talk about gracious. What about all the hatred and venom that has been spewing from the left these last 8 years? What about all the Bush bashing, and outright lies that have been told about him? The attempts to smear his character, and insults about his intelligence? Is that what you call gracious? Is that your idea of being a fair loser? If so, then why complain if someone else follows the guidelines YOU have set forth? Turn about is fair play, after all.

Now, I agree that John McCain had a poorly run campaign, but really was it any more negative than Obamas? Was John McCain laughing at the possibility of Obama having a heart attack while in office? No. Was John McCain imitation Sanford and Son, grasping his chest and laughingly mocking, "It's the big one, Weezy!"? No. That was all Barak Hussien Obama.

Was John McCain mocking Obama because wounds receive during 5 years of torture in a Vietnam POW camp left him unable to do simple things like type and shake hands without extreme pain? No, that was all Obama.

No, McCain didn't run a stellar campaign, but neither did Obama.

On the other hand, McCain did release a very detailed list of all his campaign contributors, as is required by law. Obama still has refused to do so. What does he have to hide? Who could have been giving him money that he doesn't want us to know about?

To accuse someone of cavorting with terrorists is not hypocritical when it is known to be true. Obama has been a close friend of William Ayers for many, many years. Research him. Not through the main stream media, but research him. Is this the kind of man you want to have launched your president's political career? Maybe you do, but not me.

Obama was also a disciple of the America hating, hate preaching, foul mouthed "reverend" Jeremiah Wright for more than 20 years. He only ended that association after he got called on it. What does that tell you about his character, having it molded by such a man for so long? Is this the kind of religious leader you want your president following? Maybe you do, but not me.

As for the "fear mongering campaign" of the Bush administration, get the facts. If you think the war in Iraq was unnecessary, get the FACTS. Saddam Hussein had vowed on his own life to destroy the United States of America. It was his lifelong intention. He would die trying. He said so. He had already started, or have you forgotten the horrific attacks on innocent civilians on September 11, 2001. Don't say that those attacks had nothing to do with Iraq. Hussein had close ties with Al-Quaeda. Most of the terrorists involved in those attacks had spent time training, where? oh yeah, in IRAQ. That was just the beginning. Hussein was working on developing weapons of mass destruction. This was a KNOWN fact. Plenty of evidence of these weapons has been found, from nuclear warheads, to Russain MIGS, to biochemical labs, to agents used to make deadly sarin gas, to --why yes, even yellowcake uranium--used to make nuclear weaponry.

These weapons were being developed to be used against OUR COUNTRY. Maybe you think preventing such an attack was unnecessary, but I don't.

As for Afghanistan, don't be misled. We haven't forgotten that country. There are still troops there, and they are still fighting. You just won't hear about it in the MSM. I don't know where you get your information, but Al-Quaeda is not "solidified" in Afghanistan. How do I know? Reading accounts from those who have served there.

Back to Obama. Why do I feel worried that such a liberal, openly socialist man is elected president? I worry about losing my freedoms--
what few I have left. That is not a vehement disavowal, but a legitimate concern. In a radio interview, he expressed frustration with the Constitution. His frustration was that it puts "too many restrictions on government". That is cause for concern for anyone who loves liberty! He has already stated that he intends to raise taxes. That is cause for concern for those of us who actually earn our income. If I get out and work 8, 10, 12 hours a day, why should I have a large chunk of my pay ripped from me at gunpoint and given to someone who doesn't feel the need to get out and work? Share the wealth? Why not share the work.

He says he's going to raise taxes on oil companies and corporations. First of all, do you think this is fair? One oil company last year reported $14 billion in profit, but was forced to relinquish $11 billion of that same profit in taxes. I'm no mathemetician, but that is like 80%. And he wants to raise them even further? Now, who do you really think will end up paying those taxes? You and me. Well, I will at least. Higher taxes on oil companies will mean higher prices at the gas pump. Higher taxes on corporations means higher prices on goods and services. Since corporations are the ones providing the jobs in this country, where is the incentive to grow the company and thus create more jobs? There is none. And if corporations are not creating jobs and providing things to buy and sell, where is the economic growth.

You claim that Republican policies have hurt you and your family, but I think you need to look at your own party. Who are the ones truly spreading hate and fear? Who are the ones constantly telling you that you are sooooo oppressed and that so and so has something you don't (conveniently omitting the part about how hard so and so worked to get what he has). Who is the one who wants to keep you poor and oppressed, and dependent on government handouts--because that is how they get re-elected? Guess who? Not Republicans, that's for sure.

Wars don't address poverty (actually, they do) education, health care, or the environment, but you know what? Those things are NOT the responsibility of the federal government. Those things are the responsibility of either the individual or state and local governments. Furthermore, you do NOT have the right to live or to get health care at someone else's expense. If you want it, buy insurance. Sure you can afford it. There are plans out there that don't much per month. Sure, you may have to cut off your satellite TV, or one of your cell phones, but what is more important to you? If you are not willing to give up your stuff for your health, you have no right to expect me to pay your doctor bills.

I'll tell you what war does solve. The issue of national security. Without national security, we have nothing. NOTHING. So you want to negotiate with terrorists? Do you remember the Clinton administration? How many terrorist attacks came on US soil during the Clinton administration? And he talked. And wept on live TV. And they attacked again. And he discussed, and they attacked again, and again. Until that fateful day when Bush lowered the hammer on them. Because of him, there hasn't been one single attack on US soil in 7 years. Not ONE.

Now, we have elected a man who is soft, weak. Who wants to once again negotiate. Suddenly, Russia is moving missiles, Iran is threatening, and Hamas is stirring once again. Sweetheart, this is not a coincidence. Terrorist groups are pleased, but not because of your misguided notion that they believe in diplomacy. If they did, why are they then TERRORISTS? No, all those countries would be democracies. They are pleased because they know they can go back to murdering innocent civilians, including women and children, without fear of reprisal. Watch and see if terrorist activity does not increase around the world. If I am wrong (and I hope I am), I'll admit it. But I don't expect to be.

You claim that if America were about helping people, they would have no reason to hate us. They don't hate us because we don't help them. America is the largest donor of foreign aid in the world--giving almost as much as all other countries combined. At the time of the 9/11 attacks, America was giving billions of dollars in foreign aid to Afghanistan. Did that stop them from hating us? Bin Laden doesn't need help. He is a multi millionaire. He is wealthy, powerful, and has multiple wives. But that didn't stop him from hating us. Saddam Hussein was wealthy and powerful. He had fricken solid gold toilets, for pete's sake. Now that is arrogance. That didn't stop him from hating us.

Europe certainly hates us, but not because we are "abusing" them or not helping them. We have bent over backwards to help Europe. Remember those two world wars? We weren't over their fighting for fun. We were fighting and dying, I might add, to free Europe. I strongly suspect that is why they hate us, because we did for them what they couldn't do for themselves. Then after the wars were over, do you know how much money the US poured into rebuilding Europe? How much time? It was a lot. And how much land did America keep after conquering Europe? Only enough to bury our dead.

So don't come at me with all this "abuse and oppression" parroting. It doesn't wash when you look at the facts.

My prayer and my plea is that I am completely wrong about this Barak Hussein Obama. But I don't expect to be.

By the way, if the Republican party is out of touch with half of America, guess who that means is out of touch with the other half.