Thursday, August 07, 2008

Just One Dream Too Many

I dreamed I was at an Obama political rally, only this one was like none other he had ever been to. Those in attendance were not his usual sycophants and worshipers. They were normal, everyday Americans. And they were asking him tough questions.

Questions like, what exactly is your foreign policy? What specific experience do you have in foreign relations?

How are you going to stimulate the economy? Don't you realize that raising taxes will actually hurt the economy? Don't you realize that the voters do know that? (He actually had an answer for that one. He came to where I was sitting, leaned over and spoke very close to my face and said, "Of course they don't. The entire U.S. public school system was designed specifically to keep the American populace just smart enough to do a job, but just dumb enough to be easily led.")

You keep talking about change. What exactly are you going to do to bring about such change?

What military experience would you bring to the table that qualifies you to be commander in chief of the U.S. Armed Forces?

Instead of actually answering the questions, he would change the subject. Or he would tell the person that they weren't allowed to ask that kind of question. Or he would be flat out evasive--babbling on about hope and change, but without giving any thing that could be considered an actual answer.

I always said my dreams were realistic. And I thought it was just because I dream in color!


Anonymous said...

Instead of actually answering the questions, he would change the subject. Or he would tell the person that they weren't allowed to ask that kind of question. Or he would be flat out evasive--babbling on about hope and change, but without giving any thing that could be considered an actual answer.

Yeah, that sounds more like his actual press conferences than your nighttime dream!

Buck said...

I always said my dreams were realistic.

Becky. You weren't dreaming. This is reality as we know it. ;-)

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I am going to stay out of the politics arena here just like I do at work but suffice it to say I had a smile on my face while reading your post today! :)

Becky G said...

Patch, that's what it sounds like all right!

Buck, sometimes I truly don't know the difference.

MAM, I usually stay out of politics on the blog as well, but this dream was too eerily realistic to go unmentioned!

Slop -n- Goulash: Dinner of Champions! said...

I see that we see eye-to-eye on this one, too.