Saturday, October 28, 2023

Too Hot For This

 I didn't really have a lot that I'd planned on doing today, but I did have one thing on the agenda.  Besides finishing this hat, I mean. 

This is Red Heart, but it's not one of the better Red Hearts.  It's not bad yarn, but it seems to be a bit thicker and stiffer than some of their others.  It's not at all pleasant to knit with.  I had to go up a needle size to knit the body just to be able to finish it.  I'm hoping it softens up significantly when I wash it.  I haven't cast on another hat yet, but I guarantee you I won't be with this yarn.  Not yet, at least. 

Throughout the year, when limbs and twigs fall out of the trees, I pick them up and toss them into this old chicken coop. 

When it gets cold, I use this stuff to start fires in my little wood box.  So, today, I had the bright idea that I would get out there and cut it up into relatively straight 12" to 14" lengths.  That way, I wouldn't have to be standing outside in the cold snapping the twigs into usable kindling.  It seemed like a good idea at the time, however, I didn't get very far at all when I said, "It's too hot for this.  I'm just not in the mood."  This little bitty pile there in the back is all I got done before I came back in the house and began working on inside chores.  In the air conditioning. 

I figure if I do a little each day, I'll soon get it all broken up and ready to burn. 

On the way back to the house, I brought up an armful of the wood I had left over from last year.

When the last firewood guy ended up being a no-show, I made sure to save enough wood for an emergency -- just in case the power went out or something.  I've got enough for maybe two or three good fires.  And that's it.  I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that the new firewood guy actually shows on Monday, but at this point, I've gotten so used to being blown off, I'm actually more surprised when someone follows through.  

Kindly ignore the mess underneath the wood holder thing.  I'll get it cleaned up eventually.  I've really gotten lax with my housecleaning here these last few months.  I don't know why.  I just don't feel like doing it. 

The whole time I was outside, I had a supervisor.  

I think I've spoiled them.  Every time they see me, they think they're going to get fed.  I've noticed they're always right there at the edge of the woods, and when I go out to do anything in the yard, they come out looking for corn. Food is scarce because of the drought, and they're so hungry.  Plus, they're staying close to the water trough.  I've seen the deer, all kinds of birds, squirrels, even little ground hornets drinking.  Yes, I let the hornets drink.  I can't shoo them away.  They're thirsty too. 

Good news, my little bluebonnets are developing true leaves. 

If I can keep the starving deer from eating them, I might have a bluebonnet patch after all. 

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