Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Short Posts

I knew right away what kind of day it was going to be when first thing this morning, the cat threw up her breakfast all over the kitchen floor. 

"You ate too much," I said as I cleaned it all up.  

Then I went out to top up Marty Mac's water, only to discover something had turned the whole cage over and dragged it across the porch.  Not only that, the hummingbird feeder had been taken off its hook and was tossed into the yard.  

I have no idea what went on there.  Maybe a raccoon.  The good news is at least Marty Mac wasn't uprooted.  All I had to do was turn him right side up and re-fill his water tray.  

Thennn, after a workday that seemed it would never end, I get home and it's cool enough to leave the back door open.  What does my beloved cat do?  She brings a live chipmunk into my house.  Sigh...I can't win for losing today.  I finally managed to shoo the thing back outside with a broom, then shut the door, much to the cat's dismay.  

Just to finish on a high note, I got the incorrectly crossed cable fixed, and put in a lifeline just in case I do it again. 

That's about it for today.   Yes, I know my posts have been short lately.  Somewhere along the way, we seem to have gotten the idea that we have to write a novel to write a blog post, but I disagree with that.  Back in the day when most folks kept a journal, sometimes they'd only write one or two lines.  My posts won't be quite that short, but I won't wait until I have a novel to post, either. 

It'll all depend on how much I have to say.  Or how good/bad I feel that day.  Today, I don't feel good.  I'm going to close for now, and sit and knit a bit. 

And make a few rhymes along the way. 

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