Friday, October 27, 2023

I Found It!

I had some errands to run in town today, so on the way in, I stopped by the Lee Tartt Nature Preserve and found the new walking trail. 

Now, I hadn’t intended to actually walk it today, but when I saw the trail winding away into the woods, I couldn’t help myself. 

I can either confirm nor deny that I may have snuck just a wee bit off the trail to get a picture of the river. 

I didn't walk the whole thing today, because I still had errands and I was already getting sticky and my hair was beginning to curl and HOLY COW YOU DIDN'T TELL ME SHELOB LIVED HERE!!

I took a lot more photos, which I will post some of them another day, but for today, I have to tell you I finally got around to cleaning out my closet.

First thing I did was to take everything out of my closet and pile it onto Cody's bed.

 Once I'd sorted through what I wanted to keep and what I could give up, I now have all these empty hangers.

And these bags were full. 

To be fair, I gave away some clothes that I still liked, but I figured if I hadn't worn them in so long I'd forgotten I even had them, I wouldn't miss them if I passed them along to someone else.  I couldn't quite give up the old wind suit, though.

Too much nostalgia there...heh.  

Once I got everything hung back up, this is what my closet looks like now-- minus the garment bag I have my dresses in. 

I had to wash some of those, because they were so covered in dust, I could barely see the original colors.  Once they're dry, I'll put the rest of it all back in there.   Oh, and that gray sweatshirt on the far left got tossed after I'd taken the photo.  

It had belonged to the ex, and one day, he got grease all over the sleeves.  He was going to throw it away, but I said I'd take it.  I cut the sleeves off -- because that was the fashion in those days -- and wore it for years.  Now, I hadn't worn it in years, so off to the bin it went. 

Now, I just have to deal with the headache of trying to find someone who will actually come get them.  

On a similar note, though the sky was dreary and overcast for most of the day, we didn't get not one drop of rain.  

Tomorrow, I'll show you a picture of how scary dry it is here. 

And finally, since I moved that little flag hanger thing to the front post of my car port, I bought a cute little flag to hang for Christmas. 

I had a hard time deciding which one to get, because this is the one I liked best, but it seldom snows here.  In the end, I got it anyway, and I'm going to hang it up -- snow or no snow. 


Amnicon Studio said...

You had yourself an adventure!

I try to go through my closet at least once a year. Now I think I need to buy a new wardrobe! I can't remember the last time I bought clothes.

Your flag is adorable, too!

Becky G said...

There are so many nice walking trails around here, both at the Nature Preserve and out at the lake. It's just a matter of prying my hiney out of the chair and going there. Now, if I had that kind of a trail in the woods behind my house, I'd walk all the time.