Monday, October 16, 2023

Senior Moments

I'm too young for these senior moments. 

About now, you're probably wondering what doofusy thing I did this time.  And I'm here to tell you. 

Last week, one of my coworkers -- whose daughter has a t-shirt business-- came around and mentioned that she was selling T-shirts for breast cancer awareness month.  I was in the middle of doing something, so I said, "OK!  I'll be right over there."  

As soon as I said that, it completely went out of my mind and I didn't think about it again until today...when I saw her passing out those shirts to the ones who weren't complete doofuses.  

"Awww, man!"  I lamented.

Sometime later, I went and asked her, "Do you have any extra t-shirts?  Because I totally meant to get one, but it completely slipped my mind."  She called her daughter, and good news!  She did have some extras.  

She told me the price, and I said, "Now, I'll just have to remember to put a $20 in my pocket or I'll be paying you with 14 one [dollar bills]."  To insure that I did indeed remember to bring a solid $20, I put a reminder in my phone. 

I'm not quite sure how to feel about that.  Other than I am way too young for these types of senior moments.  But also glad I can now avoid them by putting reminders to myself in my phone. 

And the shirts are really cute. 

Apropos of nothing, I was looking for a specific photo and ran across this one from the last Super Bowl.  It's too good not to share -- mainly because my supposedly die hard 49er fan didn't wear her tricked out 49er gear to work today.   

And finally, the teaser trailer for season 4 of The Chosen has dropped. 

I got me the major frissons now!  I can't wait until it comes out next year.  

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