Tuesday, October 24, 2023

A Little Visitor

I forgot to tell you yesterday, I was at work, just a working away, when the cleaning lady came up behind me with a plastic jar in her hand and said, "That lady over there told me I should show you this."
I looked into the jar and exclaimed, "Oh, he's so cute!"  It was a teensy little gecko, only about 1 1/2 - 2" long.  

When I looked back up, the brazer to my left had taken off that way, and the  brazer to my right had taken off the other way, and the one two stands down was backing up rapidly, yelling, "What is that?" 

"It's this big!" I said, holding up my thumb and forefinger.  "What's it going to do to you?" 

Once the dust had all settled, I asked the cleaning lady what she was going to do with it, and she said she'd probably let it go outside.  I don't know if she did, though.  I hope so, but every time I saw her for the rest of the day, she still had that jar on her cleaning cart.  She said it was the third one she had caught in the last few days.  It makes me wonder if a mom had babies in the walls or something. 

On a similar note, I'm really enjoying watching the wildlife at the water trough. 

 On a less pleasant note, inventory was an even bigger mess than it usually is, mainly because they'd laid off so many of the ones who'd done inventory before.   In the department I was working in, we had experienced card writers, but only one counter who'd ever done inventory before.   And of course, in typical ADP fashion, they didn't give them any training whatsoever.  They just threw them into the deep end -- so to speak -- and said to sink or swim. 

And also, of course, the card writers can't write the cards until the counters have counted, so we were all just kind of milling around with no direction or leadership. 

Now, before I continue with my story, let me explain one thing.   I am not a leader.  I have no leadership skills, nor organizational skills, and I certainly don't have people skills.  What I do have is a singular goal in life. And that goal is...

to go home. 

That's it.  To go home.  That's my only goal in life.   Heck, the only reason I even have a job is so I can pay for a home to go home to.   As I stood there watching my fellow inventory takers wandering around wondering what to do, I realized that to achieve my goal of going home, someone was going to have to get these people organized and working.  So, I began barking orders.  

But not really.  Barking, I mean. 

I showed the new counters how we count the parts.  I went and got tape measures, markers, and paper for them to use.  I even had to give some lessons in basic math to a couple of them.   I spread the counters and card writers out to cover the area faster, and even went and got a box of donuts for the group from the ones the Big Man Up Front had bought us all.  

I got everyone started working, answering questions as needed, all the while trying to get my own job done, and at the same time thinking I'm not built for this.  But I'll do whatever I need to do to be able to go home, and that's what I did.  

Now I am home, and don't have to go back to work until Monday, so I've achieved my goal. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I know my goal is always to get home. Home is my sanctuary.

That was very kind of you to help them out.

The gecko is cute. We have salamanders up here. So sometimes it's a fun surprise when we move things out in the yard. Then I hope the chickens don't spot them and eat them.