Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Sure Sign

 One sure sign the nights are getting colder is when the cat starts sleeping in her bed.  

She doesn't sleep in it during the warmer months, but when it starts getting chilly, she likes the snuggly feel of it. 

In other news, I has a sad.  I was driving to work and there on the side of the road was a dead deer.  "Aww," I said.  "One of my deer got hit!"  About 50 yards up the road was another one.  "Dang!  What's going on with the deer?" I asked.   I don't think I've ever seen two of them killed so close to one another.  I know they're on the move this time of year, but dad gum I hate to see them getting hit like that.

Speaking of deer, the wildlife department is urging hunters to make sure to fill all their deer tags this season.  The reason being is because of the drought, they're worried there won't be enough acorns to sustain the population, and food shortages will lead to starvation.  Yes, it has been that bad here this year. 

And finally, the much ballyhooed tailgate party out at work was typical ADP.  Oh, I suppose some people had fun, but most of us were just watching our clocks, waiting until we could go home.   In their usual unorganized fashion, the line for the food was long and moved slowly -- so slowly I read an entire act of the Shakespeare play I'm currently on.  They should have had more than one line, and they should have made up the plates ahead of time, but they didn't.  They should have had professional caterers do it instead of the front office people, who seemed to be moving in slow motion.  

It was 1:30 before I finally got my plate, and it wasn't that great.  Just a somewhat dry hamburger, and a hot dog that I've put into the refrigerator, but looks so bad I'm actually scared to eat it.  It's one of those cheap things that's dyed bright red, not a good brand that actually tastes good.  I wish they would have gotten Small Time Hot Dogs to cater.  Their food is food.  

That was actually a typo.  I meant to type their food is good, but it's appropriate the way it is, so I'm leaving it. 

I suppose I should give them credit for trying.   But really, I now understand why they had to make attendance mandatory.


Amnicon Studio said...

Regarding any other place of business I'd say "At least they are trying." But I don't know that I can say that with your place. The management is so ... well, you know.

Is there a party planning committee? If not, and they want to keep doing this, they really should get a committee together.

Becky G said...

No, no party committee as far as I know. Usually it's HR who comes up with these things. They only run into problems when they try to handle things themselves. For the 30th anniversary picnic last year, they hired a company who does everything, and I do mean everything. They handled the food, games, bouncy things for the kids, door prizes...all of it. That worked out well, and was actually fun.