Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fun Fun

Today was the day  for our annual fire drill out at the factory, and let's just say, it did not go well.  What went wrong?

Well, first of all, any time the fire alarms go off, the turnstiles at the employee entrance are supposed to unlock and become free wheeling.  They did not.   I tried to go out one and it did not move.  Safety Man was out there and said, "It didn't work?"  I replied, "It didn't work!  It's supposed to be loose!"  He said, "That's why we have drills."  

All that aside, what it meant was that everyone had to go out the emergency exit on the side -- which would be a problem if the plant were operating fully staffed.  As it was, everyone made it out pretty quickly.  

We finally get out into the parking lot and head to our evacuation area, only to find our sign been moved and nobody knew where it was.  We went to where it was last year, and it wasn't there.  We went to where it had been two years ago, and it wasn't there, either.  We wandered around the parking lot a bit asking "Where are we supposed to go?" until we finally found our sign...only to discover there was huge pile of broken glass in front of it which we had to carefully pick our way through to get to it.  

Nevertheless, we persevered and made it to our evacuation area, and our supervisor was supposed to make sure everyone in the department had made it out of the building.  Only he didn't.  Someone asked him if he'd counted us, and he replied, "I see everyone!" Only he hadn't seen everyone, because Mrs. G hadn't made it out there yet.  She has a bad knee and can't walk very fast.  If it had been a real fire, we'd put her on a buggy and wheel her out, but for just a drill we were concerned we'd get in trouble if we did that. 

Then the fire department came and said we'd passed, and we wondered how in the world we did passed with so much going wrong, but they said with flying colors, and the fire drill ended, and back to work we all went.  

We hadn't even made it back to the department yet when one of the lines was calling for parts -- which we didn't have because one of the machines was down and we were way behind on work all day long.  Line 2 was on our backs all day long, and what was tubing sending us?  Parts for the RAH line.  Which was wayyyy ahead.  So far ahead, in fact, that we ran out of space to put our completed work.  

Throw way too big of a dose of my Stalker into the mix, and that makes for a fun filled day at the factory.  Kind of apropos that I'm currently reading Shakespeare's A Comedy Of Errors...

How was your day?

In a bit of better news, Cody and Brennan got a new kitten yesterday, or as Cody calls him, a little claw monster.  He's six months old and they've named him Finley. 

Finley likes to watch TV.  

Finley is going to be fun, I can tell already.

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Finley is adorable!

I have a recollection of a previous fire drill you wrote about and it went about the same as this one went.

You gotta wonder, sometimes, how some of these places manage to keep going with the management they have.