Friday, October 06, 2023

The Trouble

Last weekend while I was at Fiber Fun In The 'Sip, a vendor had several of those faux fur pom poms sitting on her table.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  They look kind of like this:  

Well, there was this one person who was there at the FFITS, walking around shopping and spied the pom poms sitting on the table, and this one person walked up to the table, picked one up,  and exclaimed, "Oh, look!  Tribbles!"

I can neither confirm nor deny that that person might have been me. 

In other less dorky news, I finally got the hole in my sock repaired.  

Only now, I'm almost scared to wear it.  What if I punch another hole in it?  How did the hole get there in the first place anyway?  

I still  haven't done anything with the new sock I've cast on, other than knitting a cuff. I've been browsing my knitting books and the internet, but nothing appeals.  I think I might just do another ribbed socks like the ones pictured above. 

Other than that, there really hasn't been anything going on lately.  My big project for today -- other than paying bills and shopping -- was to make a protective cage for Marty Mac.  Something has been pulling him up, so I've been kind of afraid to leave him outside, especially at night.  I bring him in when it gets dark then put him out before I go to work, but I still worry that something will get him.

The other day, I noticed there was a lot of loose wire back in those old chicken coops, so when I got back in from town, I went out there and cut a big chunk of it off. 

By the way, that's not dirt.  It's old chicken poop.  I want to eventually compost it, once I finally get my tumbling composter thing.  

Also by the way, the deer seem to have gotten fairly comfortable with me being in the back yard and didn't seem at all bothered by me being out there. 

The big doe let me get quite close before retreating into the woods, and even then, she didn't go very far. I guess it didn't help that I had a full bucket of corn in my hand.  To fill the squirrel feeder, you know. 

Anyway, after a few moments with a wire cutter and some zip ties, I had a nifty little cage to protect Marty Mac from whatever was pulling him up. 

The only problem was that it's too big to fit on that baker's rack I have on the front porch, so he's sitting on the floor until I can come up with something better.  

I guess that's it for today.  If you'll excuse me, I'm off to browse more sock patterns. 


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