Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I've got a half day off of work tomorrow.  I've got a long list of things I want to get done on my half day of vacation.  Buy a flag pole and hang my new flag, which will require moving my house numbers, change the lights over my kitchen sink, get my folding chair in from the shed and cleaned off, close a bank account I no longer use...just for starters.  But, if I know me -- and I'm pretty sure I do by now -- I'll spend the afternoon sitting in front of the TV.  The good news is, we've got sun and NO RAIN in the forecast for the rest of the week.  The last time we had a whole week of no rain was January. 

January, people. 


As I told Cody, I've had about enough water for a while.  He replied, "Yeah, I felt the same way after Harvey."  Just a reminder that no matter how bad I think I have it, there's always someone who's been dealt a worse hand. 

OK, onward...

Well, not so onward, as I can't think of a single thing to blog about.  I was going to tell you about all the musical instruments everyone else in my family plays, and I'm just over here going, "I can play the radio."  But by the time I got it all typed out, even I didn't want to read it.  So, I deleted it all.  I will say that I'm beginning to look forward to coming home and playing, whereas at one time I dreaded practicing.  That was back when Cody was little, and I had so much going on.  It just seemed to be one more chore to add to my already frazzled life, which is why I gave it up to begin with.  I thought it was lack of passion.  I'm thinking now it was lack of time and energy. 

I still want my piano, though. 

Finally, progress is being made on the hat. 

I'm almost to the point I'm going to have to figure out those crown decreases.  Eh, I'll do that tomorrow.  Now I think I'm going to go look up my next guitar lesson video. 


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