Monday, May 06, 2019

Guitars And Stuff

Before I begin today's post, I just have one more thing to say about Saturday's debacle of a Kentucky Derby.  One of my friends who works in the racing business posted an article from some people who would know a whole lot more about it than I would. 

Anyway, both of the knowledgeable men consulted agreed that Maximum Security should not have been disqualified.  If you want to read it, you can click this link:  Should Maximum Security Have Been Disqualified?  

And now, on to your regularly scheduled post for today.

I got really excited there for a moment.  Seems my city has finally entered the 21st century.  Yes, you can now pay your bills online -- water, trash pickup, and the like.  I got all set to do just that.  I entered my information and all, then I saw it.  A "processing fee".  Yeah, you can pay your bills on the website, but they're going to charge you extra to do it.  I know, I know, it's only $1.50, but it's the principle of the thing.  I'll just keep on driving by city hall to pay mine, thankyouverymuch. 

So, there I was at work, just a working away, when Stalker walks up behind me and says, "You recognize that guy over there?"  Truth is, I didn't at first.  After getting a good look, though, yeah!  It was a former Boss Man who'd come back for a visit.  Why, I don't know.  He's the only one who ever came back after leaving.   I waved at him, and he said, "Hey girl!  You still mean as ever?"  And I said, "You do remember me!"

He walked on, and a few minutes later current Boss Man drives by on his Blart-mobile.  He says, "Y'all don't get excited.  He's not coming back!"   That's what we call his little scooter thing, the Blart-mobile.  And nobody really wants Old Boss Man back anyway. 

OK, moving right along...

My cut finger still hurts, but I did try to play my guitar for a minute.  And only for a minute before saying, "That hurts too much."  And put the guitar aside for the day.  Cody told me to let my cut heal completely before trying to practice any more, but I didn't listen.  I decided I needed new strings.   I had to order them from Amazon, and they should be here by the end of the week.  I also ordered a pack of picks, mostly because I just like saying pack of picks.   I'm getting a pack of picks, so I can pick a pick out of the pack of picks to pick my guitar with.

Clearly, I don't get enough sleep.

I found a some videos on YouTube with tips for older beginners.  It's so much easier to learn as a child, because you don't have the responsibilities adults do.  One of the biggest tips -- well, the most useful for me, at least -- is to tell yourself to practice for 5 minutes a day.  He said it's better to play 5 minutes every day, than 30 minutes to an hour once a week.  He also said you can help toughen up your fingertips by digging your thumbnail into them while you're watching TV, or whatever.  I've been doing that -- skipping the cut one, of course.  He gave several tips, but the last one I'm going to share is this:  start with extra light strings.  I don't think that's what I have on my guitar.  Way back when I bought it 20 years ago, I didn't know any different.  I just used what came with the guitar.  The ones I ordered are extra light.  We'll see if that makes a difference.

Still haven't gotten the spiders out of it, though...

I was telling my coworker today that I'd taken the guitar back up.  I was hoping it would sort of dampen my desire to buy that piano, but so far, it's not working.  She said, "Yeah, I know you want that piano, because your face lights up every time you talk about it."  Truth is, if I had a spare $500 laying around, I'd have bought it already.  Seriously.  I've even considered selling some of my yarn to raise money for it.  Not that my yarn would fetch much, but every little bit helps. 

In knitting news, after I finished my washcloth last night, I cast on another one.  Just kidding.  I cast on a hat.

This colorway is called Country Rose.  I'm trying to get a few more feminine hats done.  I read somewhere that nearly 30% of homeless people are women, and just because they're homeless doesn't mean they don't want to feel pretty.  I might even try to knit a pattern in this one.  I mean a real pattern, not one I'm making up as I go along.

Last, but certainly not least, I found a new sea chanty.  It's not the best recording, but it's a really fun song. 

I'd found it once before, but lost it again.  Now it's safely ensconced in my Fisherman's Friends playlist. 

And I'm fixing to go safely ensconce myself in the bed. 


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