Friday, May 03, 2019

A Lot Of Hours

You know you work a lot of hours when you refer to a 10 hour shift as "a short day."  We're only working 8 hours tomorrow.  I don't know what I'm going to do with myself getting off at noon.  I went on and did my shopping today, so I can come straight home and watch the Kentucky Derby -- and the 27 hours of extremely dull pre-race show they'll have on.  Or maybe I'll just skip that part and tune in closer to post time.

Alas, I don't have a derby hat, so I'll just have to do without.  Every year, I say I'm going to get one for next year, but then I never do.

Now for some bad news.  New Supervisor -- you know, the one we all liked -- has been moved to second shift for good.  Bummer.  The one we have now loves to move people around, and sees the sub- brazing department as nothing more than an extra floater pool.  One day, she moved 3 brazers out to the lines, even though we had two people out already.  That made us five brazers short that day.  Group Leader was not happy about that.

 Anyway, today, she sent me to help out on line 1.  Guess who followed me over there?  If you said my Stalker, give yourself a cookie.  Parked himself right behind me until Supervisor moved me back to sub-brazing, and put a more experienced aluminum brazer over there.  She said I was burning too much stuff up.  I tried to tell her I'd never gotten the hang of aluminum brazing.  I guess she thought I was joking.  Beats the heck out of me why they don't just train people to do those jobs rather than moving us all the time.

Let's move on to a few bits of good news.

First, I'm sleeping better since I turned on my central air.  I know my electric bill might make me choke, since I'm used to these low winter time bills, but still.  Sleep is everything.  Because when you sleep, you dream, and sometimes when you dream, you dream of your imaginary boyfriend -- or at least a contender to become your new imaginary boyfriend, since you can't even seem to make imaginary commitments.  Sigh...something about a bunch of fish in a wooden barrel of full of ice.  Don't ask.  Even I don't know.

Better news, Cody messaged me and asked if I had an extra Jayne hat.  He said his roommate saw his and thought it was cool.  Now he wants one for himself.  I replied in the affirmative, and he said he'll come down his next weekend off and get it.  I don't know when that'll be, because he's working a lot of overtime now, too.

I then mentioned I'm thinking about taking up my guitar again, and the following conversation ensued:

I asked if he had a tuner, and he said there are decent apps out there, so that'll be my project for the weekend:  tuning my guitar and figuring out how to get the spiders out.  They're tiny spiders, but they still have 16 knees.  Each.  And that's just creepy.

Lastly, I was in Walmart, and I went down the yarn aisle.  My old washcloths are starting to get a bit bedraggled, and I need to knit some new ones.  I just happened to find these two colors, which perfectly match my bathroom.

I just might take a break from charity hat knitting to get that done.

One thing about getting off at 2:00 instead of 4:00, I feel like it's about 9:30.  It's 6:45 PM Central time, as I type this.  But I feel like I should have been in bed two hours ago.  The good thing about that is, I might actually get some reading done before I fall asleep with the book on my face.


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