Friday, May 10, 2019

It's Getting Bad Out There

Guess what it's doing? Go on, guess.  I betcha can't.  Betcha...

If you said raining, give yourself a cookie.  I recommend the new Oreo Dark Chocolate.  Those are delicious.

So, yeah, it's been raining for two days, and we still have one more to go.  After work, I went out to the lake to check on the emergency spillway, and there it is.

I parked in that little park beside the visitor's center (for those of you who are from here), and walked across the road.   The water is right there, I'm telling you.

You can kind of see the sheen of it going over in this picture.

And you can see a little better how close it is to going over here.

For those of you not from here, this is not the regular outlet channel.  That is way high, as well.  I probably should have taken a picture of that one, too, but I didn't.  This is the emergency overflow channel.

By the way, remember when I said this is a small town and you have to take your entertainment where you can?  Yep, I wasn't the only one out there.

The two men on the right were talking about back in the day.  I stopped to listen a moment, before going back to my car.  I even had a couple of coworkers tell me to take pictures when I mentioned that I was going to drvie by after work.  It's pretty much the hot topic of the day.  Month...year...

On the way back to my car, I shot this short video showing the current.

It was raining the whole time I was out there.  I had planned on waiting until tomorrow to go do my weekly shopping so I wouldn't have to get out into the rain, but after getting drenched at the spillway, I said to myself, "Well, I'm already wet.  Might as well go and get that out of the way."  And that's exactly what I did.

On the way home, I looked out at that cotton field by Dollar General, at the Papermill Road exit (for those of you who know the area), and it was flooded again.  I remarked, "He might as well plant rice there this year."  It's going to be a rough year for farmers all along the Mississippi River valley.  I read this morning about a levee breaching somewhere in Iowa.  I don't rightly remember where, though.

The good news is, I had electricity when I got home.  Yesterday, I didn't.

I’ll take “People who aren’t appreciated nearly enough” for $1000, Alex.

The answer is, They keep you turned on.

What are electricity people?

I sat there for a moment, not knowing what to do with myself.  I thought, "I'm hungry, I'll cook...dang it!   No problem, I'll just microwave...dang it!"  I couldn't even make myself a sandwich, because I didn't want to open the refrigerator any more than absolutely necessary.  The power had been out since 9-ish that morning, and I didn't want to let any of the cold out.  Thank goodness for that can of Vienna sausages in the cabinet.

While the power was out, I couldn't watch TV.  I couldn't get on the computer.  I couldn't do any of the things I normally do when I get home.  I read a bit, then practiced my guitar a bit, and said, "Hey, I'll look up the next chord on YouTube and learn...dang it!"

At least there was enough hot water for me to take a shower.  It's the little things.  The power finally came back on about 6ish, but by then, I didn't want to have to rush to get a blog post written and published before bed time.  I just caught up on Survivor and went on to bed.

By the way, I've gotten my new strings in, but I'll probably wait until tomorrow after work to change them.  I'm going to have to look that up on YouTube, too, to make sure I'm doing it right.  I'm hoping the extra light strings will be a little easier on my fingers.

Finally, a shout out to my buddy Edna.  She did sooo many parts for me yesterday, I know she was sick of seeing me coming.  When she brought me the last one, she straightened her hair and said, "Remember me in the blog."

Here you go, Ed.  Thanks for putting up with me!

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