Friday, May 24, 2019

Late, Short Post

It was hot again in the plant today.  It was so hot, I told my coworker, "If you walk by my stand and see a little puddle of what looks like milk, it's just me."  She said, "Maybe you'll stay frozen."  But I didn't.  I was sweating buckets before it was all over.  At least we got off at 2:00, because it's Friday.  After work, I had to run into town to pay my car insurance and close a bank account.  I was really surprised, because the bank just closed my account.  Not like the last bank, which tried to argue with me, and demanded to know why.  This one just said, "I can do that for you."  Handed me a slip and said the teller can give me my money.  That was it. 

The only reason I'd ever even opened that account was to have a place to cash checks.  Now that you can deposit checks on phone apps, that account became superfluous.  Besides, I'd really rather have my money in an interest bearing account, rather than one that charges me fees.  It was free when I first opened it, but over the last year or so, they've begun adding maintenance fees.  It was time for that to go.  So, I closed it. 

This post is going to be short, because I practiced my guitar a little longer than I usually do.  I finally reached the lesson on strumming patterns, and I was really getting into that.  I only stopped because my arms started getting sore. 

Now I know two strumming patterns, and two and a half chords.  That is, I know two chords, and one I can hit about half the time.  Those chords -- for those of you who know anything about guitars -- are Emin, Asus2, and A.  The A chord is the hardest one, because you have to cram three fingers into a single fret.  I'm trying to practice bouncing.  That's what the instructor calls it.  You make the chord, then pick your fingers up off the strings, and put them back down on the strings, making the chord.  It's kind of hard to explain, but he shows it in this video.

Today's lesson was on strumming.

I picked up the first two patterns pretty quickly, but that third one is throwing me for a loop!  I think I'm going to stick with the more basic ones for now.  I've got them, but still need to practice keeping my rhythm even.  I'll tell you one thing, though.  It's going a whole lot better this time around, with videos to follow instead of trying to pick it up from a book.  Having someone show you how it's supposed to look makes things so much easier to learn. 

I've got a half day of work tomorrow -- well, an 8 hour shift, I mean -- then the next lesson is an actual song!  Woo hoo!  Hmmm, I wonder if Cody has the weekend off, and if he's coming down.  I reckon I ought to ask before I go cooking ribs for one...

One last thing before I go:

Nothing destroys employee morale and company cohesiveness more than a petty, vindictive boss. 

And that's all I have to say about that. 

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