Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Found It!

I found it!  I finally found my alto recorder!

The way I found it is as follows. 

Last weekend, I'd bought a new Vinca to replace the one that died.  Since it had rained all weekend, I hadn't gotten it into the ground yet.  I kept saying that I needed to, but I just didn't do it.

Since we're expecting more severe weather all weekend this weekend, after work, I said to myself, "Self, you need to get that there Vinca into the ground before that weather hits tonight."  So, that's exactly what I did.  It is now safely nestled in the bed with the other five Vincas.

Afterward, as I was putting my little trowel and gloves back up in the shed, I happened to glance into a plastic box of stuff I had stored out there, and there it was!  I got it out and brought it inside.  It needs a good cleaning, but at least I have it back now!  That doesn't mean I'm going to play it, but if I decide to take it back up, I'll know where it is. 

More good news, the mystery buds have begun to open.

I think this is a variety of Cosmos, but I'm not sure.  Cyndye, do you know?  Also, my roses have exploded into a riot of color.

I'm so glad.  I was getting kind of worried about them.  I was afraid I'd cut them back too hard last summer.  Glad to see I didn't mess them up too badly.

I got my pack of picks in the mail today.

As soon as I got my Vinca planted and a bite of supper et, I picked a pick from my pack of picks and picked my guitar for a few minutes.   It's still painful on my fingertips, but I was actually looking forward to getting home to play it.  I still need to learn another chord.  Maybe after I finish the new episode of Lone Star Law, I'll try to find the next video in that series of lessons I was using. 

Last but not least, I got me a new necklace.

The only thing is, I wish the chain was adjustable, as it is a little long for me.  Other than that, I love it. 

Now, about that episode of Lone Star Law, for some reason, my DVR didn't record it.  I checked my settings, and it's supposed to record all episodes of that show, both new ones and reruns.  I'm not sure what happened, but thank goodness for the Animal Planet Go app.  I was able to watch it anyway.  Alas, it didn't have any of my three favorite game wardens.  And who would those be? 

Why, Morgan Inman, Randolph McGee, and Mike Boone, of course. 

Maybe they'll be on next week.  It'll give me something to look forward to. 

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