Monday, May 20, 2019

It's Monday, All Right

I knew right away what kind of day it was going to be almost as soon as I got to work.  I was taking some parts over to a line, when I hung my hiney on the corner of a buggy and ripped a gigantic hole in my jeans.

I probably should have come home and changed, but I am too close to another perfect attendance bonus.  Naturally, I did what any red-blooded American would do.  I grabbed some tape and taped the hole closed, just enough I could make it through the day without mooning the entire plant.  Honestly, I don't think anyone even noticed.

The rest of the day passed without incident.  I didn't even have to put up with my stalker, because Boss Man sent me to the line.  Well, really, he shut down about half the tubing/sub-brazing department because we are so far ahead.  They didn't even have any work in the schedule for us.  He let a lot of people go home, but when he said, "Who wants to stay?"  you know my hand was first up in the air.

I was supposed to go over and line braze, but when I got there, the group leader said he needed me to do a different job -- one that is totally unrelated to brazing.  So there was no reason for Stalker to even be over there.  It was so nice just to be able to work without being harassed.

By the way, Stalker almost got splatted today.  He rode his tricycle right out in front of a forklift.  Didn't even look.  I don't think he ever even knew how close he was to getting hit.  Of course, I wouldn't want him to get hurt -- too badly.  Just enough that he needs to take a few weeks off.  But not seriously.  Too seriously...

That was about it for my work day, unless you want to hear about the long, imaginary conversations I had with my imaginary boyfriend -- or rather my top contender for potential imaginary boyfriend, as I have yet to make an imaginary commitment to him -- in which we discussed two of my favorite topics:  Texas and history.  And he imaginary listened and his imaginary eyes didn't glaze over, because he's a bit of a history geek his own self.

In knitting news, the hat has become a hurricane hat.

It's a really simple pattern, and it looks nice.

Well, this is going to be short, as I still need to find time to practice my guitar...and it's already my bedtime, so I'd better get going.

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