Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Great News!

Judging by the amount of mouse poop I'm seeing lately, I'm discovering that the mere presence of a cat in the house is a discouragement to mice.  Now that I no longer have one, I'm definitely seeing more mouse signs than I have in the past.

I'd bought some of these Tomcat mouse baits -- shown on the left in the photograph below -- but my mice don't seem to be interested in them.  Indeed, they're leaving black jellybeans right next to it, as if to taunt me.

Giving up on them, I ordered some regular snap traps.  I bought a six pack, and set them all out in places I saw the most mouse droppings.   

I used peanut butter for bait, which has worked well for me in the past.  So we'll see...and yes, I did caution my hands.  I've got to find out how they're getting into the house in the first place.  The only place I can think of is around the dryer vent, or they're getting into the attic somehow.  I think I need to call an exterminator, but when would he come?  I'm always at work  -- and I do mean al.wa.ys. 

Not that I'm complaining, because I really need the money.  I'm so close to getting that credit card paid off I can taste it!  When I do, we're having a virtual party on the blog. 

That's not the great news I was alluding to in the title, though.  The great news is, Cody called me almost as soon as I got home from work.  He's pretty excited, because remember that job at the car dealership he applied for?  He had to take his car back in for something -- I don't even remember what he told me -- and the guy he talked to said that once you get to the point Cody is in the application process, i.e. background checks and references, you've pretty much got the job.  That'll be a heap sight better than the crappy job he's got now, which was better than the crappy job he had before.

He's slowly working his way up!  However, this car dealership is something he could earn a living at for the rest of his life if he wanted to.  He said they told him that the really good salesmen can earn up to $75K.  I so hope he gets the job.  He's a people person, so it'll be a good fit for him. 

I couldn't even sell Avon, me. 

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