Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

Look who surprised me by showing up to take me out to dinner this Mother's Day.

Before we went out to eat, we drove out to check on the emergency spillway.  He hadn't been down since before we'd had all this rain, and I wanted him to see how high the water had gotten.  His first view of the lake, and he said, "Wow!"  I told him to park in that little park at the end of the dam, near the visitor's center.  He just kept saying, "Wow" over and over.  Then we walked over to the emergency spillway.

What with the rain we've had just since I posted two short days ago, it is now in full bore overflow.

There were lots of people out there today.  Some even brought picnic lunches.  Everyone was videoing and talking about the water.  I saw several people I know, both at the spillway and in the restaurant.  Funny, Cody was telling me about this YouTube show that is a sequel to the Karate Kid movies.  He said Johnny and Daniel keep bumping into each other, just out on the street and stuff, and fussed about how unlikely that is to happen in a city of 14 million people. 

I said, "Here in Grenada, every where you go, you're going to see someone you know."  Small town life, eh? 

But I digress.  Watching the water go over, every so often you could see fish getting caught in the current and being washed down the ramp.  I managed to catch one in this video.

I mean, catch on video.  Not literally catch, but we did see one guy down at the bottom bow fishing.  I never saw if he caught anything.  Seeing those fish, I said, "I need to get me a new fishing license!"

We were getting hungry by that time, so I said, "Let's go get something to eat."

On the way into town, we ran by the boat ramp, which is now completely under water.

Again, Cody said, "Wow."  I showed him that little beach I used to take him to when he was young.  I stepped out of the car for a moment to take a picture, and Cody got out and carefully locked the door.  I busted out laughing.  He said, "What?"  I said, "You locked the door and my window is wide open."

When we got back into the car, he rolled up my window, and locked it, so I couldn't roll it back down.  He said, "Whenever any of my friends get into my car, and try to roll the window down, I'm going to have to tell them, 'Sorry, my mother ruined it for everyone.'"

Oh, and he bought himself a new car.  He really needed one, too, as his old one was just about falling apart.  It's a 2016 Toyota Corolla.  I think that's what it was.  He also left the car lot with a job application.  If he were to get that one, he'd get a base salary of roughly $40K, plus commission.  He's about sick of his current job.  He says it's not the work, it's the management.  Boy, I know how that is!

I like the actual work I do.  It's the toxic environment -- mostly caused by poor management -- I can't stand.

Anyway, we were out at the lake, by the spillway, when Cody looked around, sighed, and said, "I can see myself moving back here in 20 - 30 years."  He grew up here.  It's home to him.  I said, "I totally understand.  I'm still trying to get back to Texas."  Which segues nicely into our Sunday, well, it's not quite a hymn, but it fits in with the theme of Mother's Day, and going back home.

Oh, and Cody said, "My plan is to become rich, then I'll move you back to Texas." 

I'll take it.  Any way I can get it, I want to go home. 

Finally, before he left to go back to Memphis, and I saw him off with our standard, "Drive fast and take chances," Cody played my guitar a little bit.  It sounds a lot better when he does it, but then he knows how to play. 

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